Sync program for multiple users?


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
Got a guy here that wants to know if he can have a folder on his machine that other users have on their machines, that will synchronize whenever changes are made to that folder?? Is this possible?? We can do this on the network, but he wants a copy on his computer also.

Sup QuertyJuan,

I remember you from way back in the old days of this forum, before the turn of the century. I'm trying to pick up the habit of forum reading again after a several year absence. I'll try to field the question, but you won't like my answer.

There's an API in Windows called ISyncManager, which is for the purpose of synchronizing anything, from offline web pages to PDAs to anything you can think of. Unfortunately there's not an easy tool to create your own, it requires C++ COM programming skills. But I hear it's very flexible for doing exactly what you are inquiring about.

A friend at MS referred me to this, and I'm trying to play around with it. You can pull up the GUI which shows installed sync classes by running Start->Run->Mobsync. Maybe someone with Windows programming skills will take up the task.
I remember the name quite well.... nice to have you back!

Thanx for your answer, even though it looks like it might be a headache to implement.

If you can ditch the requirement of a copy on his PC you can just use standard file sharing off a server. Maybe use webdav if you want.

Is the copy on his machine just for a backup or something? If so I would provide a mapped drive and tell him to feel free to copy/backup to his local machine all he wants as long as he understands edits to that folder won't be replicated.
One way you could do it. Have "the guy" keep the main copy on his machine and set it up to be shared over the network. Then have everyone else just create shortcuts to the network folder and run the file over the network, that way anything that is changed is acually changed on "the guys" copy and thus everyone elses. Im not sure how well this would work if multipul people had the same file open, but just a thought. :)
