Suggestions for portable laptop thin clients


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2011
I'm researching portable laptop thin clients and so far I have

- Dell Wyse X90M7
- Igel Universal Desktop Convertor (UDC)

The latter option requires purchase of any laptop that is then converted into a thin client using UDC.

Has anyone used Igel's UDC?

Any other laptop thin clients that are worth looking into?


UPDATE: Forgot to mention the environment these would connect to Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services.
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j-sta sorry added detail to initial post.

These would connect to Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services.
If your looking to convert an old laptop to a TC look at DevonIT Thin client blaster, their OS is pretty good and has free central management.
k1pp3r I'll have a look at DevonIT.

Just to clarify there are no "old laptops" in use, so I'll be purchasing "new" laptops and then converting them to thin clients. Alternatively buying "ready-made" laptop thin clients such as the Wyse X90M7.

The portable thin client market seems to be quite small from my googling.
Go buy some cheap used $150 laptops and convert them to TC's they work great lol