Stupid XP security question


Feb 9, 2001
I'm almost embarassed to ask this question but since I'm making no headway on the issue here goes. I have a small file server setup with WinXP Pro. I've created a shared folder that has read access granted to everyone but every time I try to access that folder across the LAN from other computers (which also all have XP Pro) I'm not granted any access until I specify a user name and password. That really defeats the purpose of granting access to everyone. How do I get access for "everyone" to mean everyone?

Thanks for any help you can provide,

Dane R. Vinson
There is two ways to do this.

1. Create an account on the File Server that is the same as the machine that you are connecting from and give it access.

2. Disable the Local Policy to allow anonymous access. <-- This is not recommended as it poses a security risk.

Personally, I would go with #1 as it will provide some security. This is a built in feature for security reasons. Otherwise anyone that is connected to your network and possible the internet could gain access to those files.
yeah, you just have to play with it.. in my personal case.. i have a computer with server 2003, and that one always needs a username and password.. however, all the shared folders on the xp pro comptuers can be gotten to from any other computer with no problem.

do you have passwords set up on your file server? maybe set up a user with minimal rights and no password and see if that works.
The "everyone" user group does not include the guest account...

give the guest account read access

you may also have to go to gpedit.msc and delete the entry in one of the security sections to "deny access from network"
I'd go with Axeldoomer's #1 as well. All of my computers at home are in the same workgroup, and all have the same username and passwords.