stupid question about VPN


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2003
i was fiddiling around with my network connections and set up a VPN connection between my desktop and laptop. This may sound stupid, but what exactly does having a VPN connection do?
I don't have really any experience with vpn. But basically it provides a encrypted tunnel between two points; a server and a client. It would come in handy if you needed to access services on a network somewhere and your only route of connection was over the internet with no protection like ssl or some other form.
hmmyah's got it right. A VPN is a "virtual" network that uses an already-existing network as its link layer and (usually) encrypts all traffic. It's handy for creating networks that run on top of possibly insecure networks (i.e. teh Intarweb :p).

It's also handy if you want to REALLY secure a wireless network--remember, it's easy for a neighbor or a passing stranger to tap into a wireless airspace, and WEP is...well...not very effective.

I personally favor OpenVPN, preferably combined with my own SSL certificates. It's cross-platform, flexible ten ways from Sunday, and about as close to secure as you can get. Initial setup will kind of go over your head if you don't know how to manage certificates with OpenSSL though.
As long as your PCs are connecting only over LAN, you might as well delete the VPN link, and configure IPSEC (with encryption) instead. Save a lot of hassle and IP/CPU overhead.

VPNs are ment to be used over untrusted networks (like internet)