Stupid MS Office Question


Jun 16, 2001
Is there anyway to alter the way office selects text? It annoys the @#$@ out of me when I'm trying to select part of a word, starting in the middle and moving forward, and office goes "We know what you reeeeealy wanted to do, you wanted to select the entire word!" and im always like "NO I @#$@#$@# didn't, if I wanted it all, i would have @#$@#$# selected it all." Now that I've exposed you all to my neuroses, is this a feature I'll have to live with? or can it be disabled?
Hmm...I just tested this with my Office 2003, with Word, and it allowed me to select part of a word with no problems.
I know there is a setting or something somewhere to change that. I remember reading about it a couple years ago. You can select parts of the word... but when you select the majority of it it "smart" -ly selects the whole word. I'm too busy to google around for it now. Keep looking.
If you start mid word, even if its just a single character, and move forward or backward with the selection, it stays with just the area you selected, until you reach another word, when it snaps to select the entire initial word, the one you only wanted 2 letters selected on. If you select the two letters, select another word, have it snap to the first word, back off the second word, itll snap back to those two letters, and you can now select more words without it snaping, but its bass ackward. But then this is microsoft, and they know what i reeeeealy want to do, not what i think i want to do.
In Word >

Tools > Options > Edit tab

Uncheck select whole word option or whatever it gives you there.
