Stuck At XP Splash Screen


Feb 23, 2005
My Rig (specs in sig) is new and has been running smoothly for over month. Then I started up one day and it was stuck at the splash screen, it just kept on loading and loading and it would never boot into Windows. So naturally I tried system restore with no luck, still happened. So i figured out it probably wasn't a software issue since the restore went successfully.

Then I reinstalled windows, thinking that would definetly cure the problem. The first 5 reboots went fine and then it started again. After I reinstalled windows, something weird showed up that I never seen before. In my system tray, there was an icon "Safely Remove Hardware" I clicked on it and then it showed my hard drive, with options like "stop this device". Why is it recognizing it as a removable drive?

so im stuck at the windows loading splash screen, if I wait like 5-7 minutes, it'll load completely but something MUST be wrong.

anyways im thinking its either the hard drive or my ram. any suggestions guys?
norton disk doctor tested my hd healthy, so im confused
any help guys? thanks
MiG29TangentBoy said:
Using a SATA drive? Driver issue? Hmm...

well I tried differnt ram, so its not that
its definetly the hard drive
im still stumped, lemme try reinstalling the sata drivers yet again
nope its not a driver issue, my rig was running fine for 2 months with the chipset drivers, I just reinstalled them and no dice.
im pulling my hair out..