Streaming video from TV Tuner


Aug 31, 2006
Hey guys, I've got a question about Server 2003 and TV Tuners, I know the two just don't go together right? Well is it even possible?

I thought it would be nice to throw a TV Tuner in my server, set the digital cable box to my favorite channel, and stream that channel across the internet to my laptop wherever I may happen to be the next time LOST is on, hehe.

So I install the card, and hit up google, decide to follow this guide (
and get as far as step....1 installing the Tuner software, I've installed it, but can't get a picture on the screen. Hardware accelleration is set to Full, all video and tuner drivers are loaded, all software installed, including decoders/encoders. And this is all locally still, haven't even got to the hard part yet.

I never imagined installing a tuner would be so difficult, so what's the deal, are these things just not compatible with Server 2003?

If not, does anyone have a better solution, my desktop is a compact form factor dell, so the card wont fit, plus it's usually off. Server is 1.6 GHz P4, 1GB mem, Hauppage PVR-150 tuner, and nvidia GeforceMX4000 PCI, directx 9.0c.

By the way, does anyone see a problem streaming video (doesnt have to be super high quality) over a 768Kbps upstream connection?

Thanks for reading, hope you can help me here, I have no experience with streaming video. Any response is appreciated.
use ORB it allows you to change channels and acess live tv and other videos...

i stream live tv to my girlffriend 300 miles away. it works perfectly.

my upload is like 480 and i get good pic quality.

if you only want to stream LAN and not WAN beyond tv4 and beyondtv link work really well..

link is on the clinet and beyondtv is on the server... it streams full quality and allows a GUI just like MCE... electronic guide and everything.

I use both ORB for WAN streaming and beyondtv and link for LAN streaming...
invest in a slingbox, its a awesome invention, i use it do watch tv on my laptop from anywhere
orb is better than slingbox.. you can have access to any file only your computer like an FTP and it will stream live tv or recorder TV... or pictures and music... slingbox is for the technically challeged... aslo ORB is free and sling box is $150+

and it only does livetv
My guess would be that tuner cards are not on the server OS's hardware compatibility list? Never tried it but it may just not work.

Also, is DirectX and working on the machine? Run "dxdiag" and see if DirectDraw and Direct3D is enabled.