Strange logoff issue


[H]ardness Supreme
Apr 23, 2002
I am using Windows2000 I have it setup to autologin to a restricted user for everyday use

This is normally ok, since If I need to install something I can Shft-rightclick on it to runas

However, I have just noticed that if I go and log off it automatically logs in as my user, I can keep trying to logoff only to get logged back in

I can shutdown fine, and also if I disable teh autologin all is fine.

any idea where I can stop this autologin at logoff?
No idea how to stop it. What you're experiencing is the normal behavior of the autologon feature.
damb, you sure?
I got a labPC running 2000 at work to autologin and I can logoff and then login as Admin when needs be?
Don't reboot! Go to start shut down, then go to the drop down menu and select log off. I'm on XP it may be the options button on the shutdown box in 2k can't remember for sure. I believe tweakui will let you add a logoff option to your start menu so it shows up right above the shut down option.
I have that, and all it does is causes me to logoff (get the saveing your setting window) but then it logs me back in

I have tried the shutdown button - then choosing log off
choosing the log off button
CTL-ALT-DEL and choosing log off

it just want to keep auto-logging me in
Ok, if you hit ctrl+alt+del twice on the welcome screen that is supposed to show the hidden administrator account. Not sure if that will work for you ether if you don't see that screen. Only other option is to go to user accounts and change the way users log on.
Oops, sorry Looking over the thread again (after posting this) I noticed your useing 2k. :(
Hmm, I've used win 2k pro for years and enabled auto logon using tweakui. I never had any problems logging off or shutting down. How did you set it up to auto login.
right-click on "my computer) and goto proporties - if ADMIN
or I would runas the "system" control applet as admin

in that I would goto the "Network ID" tab and click on the "Network ID" wizard to make it a standalone PC and then choose the user that auto-logins.

I have gone to the MS knowledge base on the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key and checking all the keys there
Hmm, found this at winguides Disable the auto logon shift override
When using the automatic login feature it is possible for a user to hold the Shift key to bypass the login sequence and enter a user-name and password. The above tweak disables this feature but the info should let you enable it if disabled on your PC.
woohoo sorted it.
there were some extra reg keys in that registry address i stated (as teh the W2k resource ket) I deleted them and then remade the autologin (via going through the system applet)

dunno what happened, chears