Strange issue after installing XP to Seagate 160GB HD


Jun 30, 2005
I recently obtained a new Seagate 160gb ATA HD. I created and formated two NTFS partitions (C: 20gb, D: rest of the space) using my backup OS. I then switch the seagate as primary and installed windows (booted from cdrom).

At first, all seemed normal except after 1st round (inspecting hardware, EULA, copied files to the HD and restart ) it would keep booting from CD, I don't get the message saying "press any key to boot from CD". I thought it was no big of deal, so I took the CD out and re-booted. After POST, verifying DMI pool information, and there is about 15 seconds delay (blank screen) and then it would show the windows loading logo, and from there Windows started to do the install as normal. After finished installation, I restart several times, and I keep getting this 15 seconds delay.

Anyone experienced this before? What might be causing this?
I'm not following along with what you are trying to do very well...maybe because I haven't had my coffee yet, but if your going to install the XP from CD, you want a blank drive, with no partitions. You can create and format them during the setup. That's why it was booting and not giving you the message "Press any key to boot from CD" because it wasn't detecting any bootable partitions.

What you should do is pull your existing drive out...or unplug it. Install XP on the fresh, blank Seagate drive. Then plug your older drive in, if needed.
This is just an update, I think I've found the problem and fixed the "press any key to boot from CD" and the long delay before loading.

Here is what I did, I reset first 63 bytes to 0 using the seagate utility and removed all the partitions. I then boot up with the windows CD and re-created/format partition using windows installation. However, I noticed that after I've created two partitions (20gb, the rest) it would say 8MB unallocated. (I previously formated with partition magic under windows and it used all the available space)

I know there is a 137gb limit issue, but previously since my C: only has 20gb and why would system giving me that delay?

For those who installed xp on their HD that's greater than 137gb, how did you install it?

Basically I can get by this problem now, but in the future if I want to reinstall windows, I don't want to reset the entire 160GB again.

Please help!
silvscorp said:
For those who installed xp on their HD that's greater than 137gb, how did you install it?
And here I thought this topic was beaten into the realm of common knowledge. Anyhoo, you have two options, and I highly recommend the first one. Download Autostreamer, and use it to slipstream SP2 into your XP CD. Then, you have no problem with drive sizes.

Second option is to install XP on the 20 GB partition as you were doing it before. DO NOT format the rest of the drive until after you have XP install and updated to at least SP1. Then, when you go into Disk Management, you can create the rest as a primary partition, labelled D. You'll have to move your CD drives down one letter each, but that's all done in the Disk Management area.
djnes said:
And here I thought this topic was beaten into the realm of common knowledge. Anyhoo, you have two options, and I highly recommend the first one. Download Autostreamer, and use it to slipstream SP2 into your XP CD. Then, you have no problem with drive sizes.

Second option is to install XP on the 20 GB partition as you were doing it before. DO NOT format the rest of the drive until after you have XP install and updated to at least SP1. Then, when you go into Disk Management, you can create the rest as a primary partition, labelled D. You'll have to move your CD drives down one letter each, but that's all done in the Disk Management area.

I have used a slipstream with SP2, and that was my first attempt and I got the long delay before window start to load. (but this is after I've partitioned with partion magic the whole disk, may be that's the problem)

As for your 2nd suggestion, that's the way to get by the partition limit. I understand that. Basically install the windows and upgrade to SP1 + so it will utilize the rest of the D: drive. Now, what about in the future if I want to re-install xp on my C: again? Now that My D: has been partitioned and have all my files, wouldn't that create problems again?
Since it's on the same physical drive, I typically back up the data, and wipe the whole drive clean. It's this reason why I always have a second drive in each of my PCs for data. Then when I need to rebuild, I unplug them, install the OS, and then reconnect the drive. This way your data is safe.
so there is no way to re-install xp on a 137gb+ HD without having re-partition/format the entire drive?
You can always delete and re-create the C drive during the XP install, but your taking a chance that it will grab another letter than C. You also need to have both partitions as primary...not an extended one. It's always safer to back up your data off the drive in question. And none of this has anything to do with the's the fact your partitioning it. If you really don't want to go through this hassle, then you should use Ghost and Sysprep to make a clean image to pull down whenever you need to rebuild.
thanks for the help. My major concern is that "delay" I am talking about in the previous post. Along with Auto booting from CD, it seems even after windows has been installed but the system is not detecting a bootable partition. What I did was partitioned the drive using Partition Magic, formated each drive and then set the C: (primary) Active.

After swaping the drive and installed the windows (either using slipstream or regular install) after boot, it just keep showing the delay. After reading all the posts, I realized my main problem is that the partition wasn't set bootable. Is there a feature in Partition Magic that sets a partition bootable? I thought by setting it "Active" will do the job.
If it wasn't bootable, it wouldn't boot. Try changing your boot order in the BIOS to make sure the hard drive is first in line. Secondly, I doubt this has anything to with the delay, but you don't need to use Partition Magic, because the XP setup does the formatting for you. XP also has the Disk Management area to handle configuring all the other drives and partitions. It's also insane to pay for and load Partition Magic, just to recoup those last 8 MB of the drive. Considering you can do everything in the disk management, besides recoup those 8 MB, and that's worthless, Partition Magic isn't needed in your case.
Ok, let me explain my situation again and hopefully it will sound more clear. Please bare with me.

First try -----
First when I got the new HD, right out from the package, I put it in master and load up XP setup (boot from CD), I used windows setup to partition it to 20gb and the rest (140gb supposely). Due to the 137GB limit, in the setup I'll see the "2MB unallocate" on the bottom. At first, I didn't remember anything about the 137GB and I want to use all the space available, and that's why I change the drive to slave and partitioned it fully, 20gb and 140GB (using Partition Magic) under another XP computer. Now, when I try install the XP, under the setup I don't see the "2MB unallocate" message so I went ahead install the windows. After setup finished copying the file, rebooted and just keep going through the loop. Supposely I should see the "press any key to boot from CD" but I didn't. If I take the CD out, it will take about 15-18 seconds before I see the window loading logo. This happens even after I fully installed the windows.

Second try ---
I boot up from windows setup CD again, using the setup partition to removed all the partition and reset them again to 20gb primary and rest for the 2nd. Now, it DOESN'T show that "2MB unallocate" line. I reformat the drive and went ahead with the installation. After finshed copying files and reboot. Same thing happens again, I have to take the CD out of the drive then wait for 15 seconds delay before seeing the windows loading logo and then setup screen.

Third try ---
I boot up with the Seagate utility CD rom and used the "quick set drive to zero" thing to set the first 63bytes to zero so the computer will think this drive as a freash new drive. This time, I boot up from windows again, and create partition as 20gb for primary and rest for 2nd, now I'll see the line "8MB unallocate". I proceed with format and installation. After copying the file, reboot, now I'll see the message "press any key to boot from CD" I waited, and then after about 1-2 seconds, it jump to the windows loading screen. Now everything seems to be normal.

Based on different trials, I think that long delay and keep going through the loading from CD loop has something to do with the partition not being bootable? Or may be the system didn't know which one is bootable and was searching for it?? Basically this only happens if I partition the drive with default and not use all the availabe space or else I'll get the delay and cd booting issue. I am just worried that in the future if I want to re-install windows while my 2nd partition (D: drive) is fully setup using all available space I'll encounter the problem again.
Maybe you missed it, but I did state that when you were going to install XP, only make the C partition. Always do the rest of the drive later in XP with Disk Management.

If you use some common sense, follow my instructions, and quite going insane over 8 MB, you won't have any problems in the future.

Ever hear the saying "you made a mountain out of a molehill"?

All you had to do, was follow good practices when you went to install XP the first time. Do the 20 GB drive, finish XP, then add the rest.
At first, those unallocate space did bother me that's why I went to the partition magic route. Later on I recall the 137mb limit issue and didn't care about those "lost" space at all since I can always fix it after I installed the windows.

I did read your comments and I did taken all into consideration. Those 3 trials I mentioned were done last night. I post this msg early this morning and I am still at work. I'll try only partition the first 20gb later tonight when I go back. I understand by fully partition the rest 140gb from other source might have caused my problem.

However, back to my last concerns, natually after I install the windows on the 20gb I would then fix the rest partitions later after I have upgraded to sp2. Would I encounter the problem again if let's say I want to re-install windows on my C: later on? Becase then I'll have a 140GB fully formated 2nd partition. Basically, this is just similar to back then how I used Partition Magic to create two partitions. (yes I read that you said you would erase everything and starting fresh) I just want to know the alternatives.

Okay, your still going around in circles asking the same questions that were answered above. You will need to make both partitions primary partitions. Then, when you boot from your XP CD down the road to re-install, delete the C and recreate it right away. It should grab the same letter C:, but there's no guarantee. Which leads me to....

...what I said earlier about the safest way is to back up your data off the drive, and do the same thing your doing later tonight. Create the C drive, finish installing XP, and then create your D and restore your data. This way your data is safe, and your sure to get the system volume as C: Also, as mentioned before, if you haven't done it, slipstream SP2 into your XP CD to skip a few steps.
I guess I'll test it out tonight by install windows on C: first partition the rest 140gb and then re-install the windows on C: again. Hope I don't run into the same problem.
silvscorp said:
I guess I'll test it out tonight by install windows on C: first partition the rest 140gb and then re-install the windows on C: again. Hope I don't run into the same problem.
Ummm...okay, your really falling off the train here. You really need to take a minute, slow down, and read my posts. Where are you getting that you have to re-install XP twice tonight? This is a simple process, but yet you keep saying you have things to test and your trying to avoid problems. Would you like me to make a list of the steps for you to do tonight, and we will go from there?
I said I'll install windows again, just so I can test out if i'll encounter the same problem. Remember my concern that I've stated over and over?

At the moment, this HD is completely empty. I'll install the slipstream SP2 normally, with only 20gb (C: drive) partitioned, then I'll partiont the rest in windows, to get the 140gb (D: drive). With that said, I'll re-install windows on C: again just for simulation. Pretending D: is now filled with data, and I want to see If I am able to re-install windows without encounter that "Delay" problem.

You never know, some times some program just screw up the OS and I need to reinstall, and at the same time I might not have enough time to back up the entire 140GB drive.
Ok here is the update.

Previously, I partitioned the 20GB through windows setup and left the rest untouched (not partitioned) and it showed 8GB unallocated. I installed windows and everything went smoothly. I now getting the "press any key to boot from CD" option, instead of going through that auto boot loop. After rebooting, it goes through the folloing:

POST --> verifying DMI pool info ---> XP loading logo ---> welcome screen.
it works just as how it use it, no delay, and it took about 6-7 seconds for the windows loading screen (loading bar). Note: This is the windows install from original CD.

After have upgrade to SP2 I partitioned the rest of the drive and was able to utilize all the remaining space to the 2nd partition as D: drive. D drive was partitioned as extended --> logical. Rebooted again, and loading time is just fast as normal.

Now, I tried to install windows again just to simulate if I would reinstall for whatever reason in the future. This time I used a slipstream CD. Boot up from CD, erased C: partition, created again, installed windows. Now the loading time become wierd again:

Post--->verifiying DMI pool ---> white loading bar on the bottom---> XP loading logo --> blank screen---> welcome.

I never had that white loading bar before, it just moves from left the right as how it was in the windows 2000. Then the xp loading logo with that blue bar shows up for about 2-4 seconds, then it goes blank. I had to wait about 10seconds then it will bring me to the welcome screen.

Is this normal? Never had this problem before. Could it be the slipstream CD is messed up?

That sounds normal, as what mine does. You also didn't follow my advice about making the second partition. Your D drive was supposed to be a primary partition as well. Now, it is dependent on your C drive, meaning if you delete C and try to recreate it, you may be left with an unreadable D drive.
Well I'll try format the 2nd as primary as well and give it a try. I think i might going to reinstall again cuz the booting problem just doesn't seem normal. Usually it would only take about 15 seconds or less from POST to the Welcome screen.

As for set two primary on the drive, is that your personal preference? Is there any performance difference between that and having one primary and extended? For the past years, I've always used primary for OS and the rest as logical in extended and never ran into any problem. As for delete C: parition and D: might not be readable, I think as long as when re-creating the C: and keep the size same as before then it shouldn't be any problem. At least I've never ran into any problems.

I'll try reinstall again from CD just to make sure incase my slipstream CD had some problem.

while on the topic, for the slipstream I've tried two versions, one says xpsp_sp2_gdr, and the other says xpsp_sp2_rtm. that's the difference between the two?
You set them as primary partitions so they don't have any dependencies on each other. If you read about partitions, it becomes logical to do it that way.

Am I reading this right, that your re-installing over and over again because of the color of a status bar and a few seconds differential in boot time?
well I am re-installing over and over just want to get it to work as how it was before. Not the color of the status bar but just over all the abnormal loading pattern and the time it takes (4 times as longer loading).

As I just mentioned before, I was able to get it working normal with the same hardware config so obviously something is wrong. If it takes this much longer to load (on a fresh install), who knows what problems I might run into once I install more programs and registery starting to get filled.
I ran into this "problem" when upgrading my parents' computer this past weekend. This was a fresh install of XP Home on a Maxtor 20 GB drive (circa 2001, think it's a DiamondMax drive). Same unexpected sequence as you are encountering:

Post -> verifiying DMI pool -> white loading bar on the bottom -> XP loading logo -> blank screen -> welcome

I threw an old WD 8 GB drive into the computer, did a quick install, and the boot process was normal (or what I consider normal). Maybe it was the hardware, maybe it was something in the software as far as install/format/programs order, or maybe it was a rare alignment of the planets... After boot, both installs seemed to behave identically, so I quickly tired of investigating the root cause. Figured my parents wouldn't notice the boot difference anyways, seeing as they were coming from a ~2 minute boot on an old P266/98SE machine. If it was my personal machine, I would be much more inclined to investigate :)
thanks for the feedback. Just curous, were you installing regular windows or you started to experiencing the problem after you upgraded to sp2?
Fresh install of XP Home Edition (latest version which includes SP2). The disk used to contain 98SE plus 4 partitions. I used the setup program to delete all partitions, create new C and D partitions, installed to C drive, booted into Windows.

I can't remember if the first boot was irregular, or at which point I used disk management to format the D: partition. I think it was the 3rd reboot that it caught my eye...I was chatting with family and not paying much attention previously. And it seemed that every once in a while, the boot process would be "normal"...say once in 8 boots or so (and I swear 4 of them were trying to get the floppy cable installed properly, lol).
based on other reads, the problem is mostly related to the SP2. At least the white bar part and that is just noraml i guess. (that's when windows is loading the kernel) What bothers me is the blank screen delay. I am not sure if that has something to do with SP2 being bundled with windows. (most likely not)

I'll do a fresh install again, normal install then upgrade to sp2 see if this occurs. I did it on another old old 6gb drive and there was no problem at all, (with sp2). I guess it has something to do with how I partitioned it. eer..