Stopping XP info bubbles?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2001
How do you stop the little info stuff that pop ups in xp that gives tips. Like the one after sp2 update that warns about no virus stuff and how autoupdate is off.
Here you go said:
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
Name: EnableBalloonTips
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 0

Now just a little reminder ok, for next time. I plugged in "Disabling Windows balloons" in to our friend Google and came up with this this. Remember "Use the Search shefron"

Thank you for the info other then the smartass remark. Google sometimes works nice if you put in the right statement. Believe me I did google it and screw around for a bit on my computer but just had no luck finding it.
shefron said:
How do you stop the little info stuff that pop ups in xp that gives tips. Like the one after sp2 update that warns about no virus stuff and how autoupdate is off.
No registry hacks required for that. Just go into your Security Center, select each of the different things that are giving you popups, turn them off, and in the bubble that pops up, click and select that you have your own solution and do not require Windows to monitor it. It's really that simple.

For something to save in your favorites for later, I decided to write a quick, simple walk-through for you. No registry tweaks, no extra programs, no special voodoo. The Security Center alterts still go bye-bye.
shefron said:
Thank you for the info other then the smartass remark. Google sometimes works nice if you put in the right statement. Believe me I did google it and screw around for a bit on my computer but just had no luck finding it.

Sorry about that, I didn't really mean it as a smart ass remark, more of just a reminder but after reading it again, I can see where you get that feeling. My bad.

GreNME said:
No registry hacks required for that. Just go into your Security Center, select each of the different things that are giving you popups, turn them off, and in the bubble that pops up, click and select that you have your own solution and do not require Windows to monitor it. It's really that simple.

This is for Service pack 2 only right?