Stop Dual-Booting?

Dec 14, 2006
Currently on my computer I am running VIsta and XP in a dual boot situation... however I haven't had a single issue with Vista since I installed it and have only ever gone back to XP if I wanted to run a program I had installed on that drive (and didn't feel like reinstalling in Vista right away). I'm thinking in a couple of months time, or maybe just when my Vista hard drive starts to fill up to remove XP and switch back to single boot.

Only thing I'm unsure of is how it would work. XP and Vista are both installed on SATA drives (XP on a Western Digital Caviar and Vista on a Seagate Barracuda). The XP drive through is the "primary" drive in that it's the C:/ drive with Vista having been installed second on the F:/ drive - D:/ and E:/ are my opticals. If I was just to format the C:/ drive would everything still work correctly? I've never actually had a computer where C didn't have an operating system on it, I assume so as they seem to work independently of one-another anyways just want to make sure.
You couldn't just "format' it at this point. Vista's Bootloader is installed into the MBR on that disk. Also the configuration is stored on that drive.

Now you could format the drive, make the Vista drive the primary and then use either the Vista install disk to "fix" it and install the MBR to the Vista drive...