"Star Wars: Empire at War" crashing issues


Apr 29, 2000
I don't know what to call it. It's definitely a crash. I'll play for 15-20 minutes, then any animations/visuals stop. I can still move the mouse, if there is speech or music going, it continues. When it happens, I'm unable to ctrl/alt/delete or alt/tab. I have to reboot the system.

I seriously doubt it's my overclock on either the video card or CPU... but to make sure, I've backed them down a notch. I can play FEAR at full detail for hours on end without any problems.

I have an ATI X850 Pro modded to an XT PE at 565/600. Other than the game jacking up, I have no graphic anomolies, and can run artifact testers until I'm blue in the face.

My CPU is an X2 3800+ at 2.55ghz. I can run at 2.6, but I'll get Prime95 errors after about 3-4 hours of stressing both cores.

Just to be sure, I backed the CPU down to 2.50 and the video card to 555/590. It didn't seem to help.

I'm going to try 2.4ghz on the CPU and 540/580 just to be sure, but I wanted to see if anyone else was having this problem.
If you alt tab you will probably see a game generated Exception Error.

I have the problem occasionally, as well as a friend of mine.

If you go into the MP lobby you'll see a lot of people bitching about it, so sadly, I think this is something that will need a patch to fully iron out.
Well I had my first crash tonight.

Playing as Rebellion, I decided to try to take Mon Calamari with a raid force. Imagine my frustration when I get to the base entrance to see that there is a stack of turrets four or so deep (as in, on one build pad). It EASILY destroyed my heaviest tank.

So I figured I would try to get my artillary inside and destroy it, bla bla bla. After probably an hour and a half of trying, the game decides to start taking four minutes to save and quite a while to load. Then it finally froze whle trying to save. It only woke up when someone IM'ed me a few minutes later.

I guess that's just an annoying bug though. Not what you've been experiencing rich. Althoiugh the saving thing puzzled me... is the save file getting bloated? I probably overwrote it 30 times today.
I went back to playing, and checked my save files. My most recently created wasn't there, so I went for the other one. Upon clicking it, I got a Exception error:

"An exception has occured. See _logfile.txt and _except.txt for details. Press CANCEL to exit or RETRY to debug."
Like I said, I tried alt-tabbing... but it didn't work. I have music and mouse, nothing else. The video freezes, and I can't click anything in the game.

If I let it sit long enough, the computer goes blank.
Maybe this is one of those dual CPU issues? mine runs fine, but its an intel :(
Nope. It must've been the CPU. I dropped it down to 2.4ghz and it ran just fine.

I just can't believe that I can play FEAR, which is an obviously more graphics-intensive game at 2.55 for hours without an issue, but can't play EAW for 20 minutes.

how do i fix this.i start my game up then check logfile.ext and except ext plx help