SP2 SATA native support?

Sata is not even listed as any of the "fixes" provided by SP2.

Sata is an issue related to the list of default drivers on the CD or the lack thereof. AFAIK Microsoft has not included any additional driver support or enhancements for Sata.
i can tell you from expierance, it did not support my slipstreamed sp2 install on my SIL3112A
I slipstreamed the RTM yesterday, then did a clean install. Same as before. F6, floppy. =\
damn... they didn't even work out a way to get the drivers from a usb key or network?
You could always add the drivers manually and make a new XP boot disk but you have to modify some files in the i386 folder and make some new .CAB files to replace them, just do a google search on it.