SP2 or DX 9.0c ??? Something blew my box.


Aug 10, 2004
Downloaded SP2 from Microsoft.
Not sure if its SP2, or the Direct X update that came with it, but some of my games don't work anymore! I just tried a few last night. Doom 3 and Farcry seem to be working fine, but none of my EA games or any other UBIsoft games will. I just get a black screen when they start up. There's sound, and a cursor, and I can hear it click on buttons in the game... I just can't see anything. When I try to run DX diagnostic, also just black screen, no spinning cube. Anyone else having this problem?
I guess I'll have to try reinstalling things, or try and revert to DX 9.0b if that's even possible. Good thing I set up a restore point if I need to... who knows if that'll work though.
My guess (and only because it hosed a lot of things) would be SP2. But then again, its a graphics problem, so very likely could be DX 9.0c. Try uninstalling one, and see if it fixes it. Then uninstall the other and see what happens. Also, please let us know what you find for future reference/help.
Sorry to hear that. This box is lucky so far, I've installed both & they seem to be working fine. SP~2 is pretty much a waste so far. Nothing cool except the po-up in IE now. Waiting to see if anyone else has problems before I put SP2 in my gaming rig. This is a NF7 w/XP-2100(@2.17Ghz) & 2x256 PC2700. It's mainly a MediaCenter PC for me in my office. Has a LeadTek TV FM Tuner card in it as well for viewing TV & recording "Howard Stern" on the radio. :D Need a DVD player for it tho. Everything seems to be working, *knocks on wood* so far. Haven't really tried anything major tho.
Try updating your video drivers. Or uninstalling them & reinstalling. Sometimes even reinstalling the game will work.
I don't know. I'll have to mess with it when I get home. Its a strange thing.
I installed the latest Nvidia drivers that are suppose to add DX 9.0c support but that didn't help.
My comp's always been a little unstable because of the cheap ass memory I have in there right now, but I've never seen a game start up and run with no graphics.