sp2 dowloads


Jun 12, 2003
I have Sp2. And today i just decided to check windows update and see if there where any new updates. and there was one. it was like net framework and was about 10mb to download. so i downloaded it. everything worked fine i think. but everytime i download somthing it doesnt ask me if i want to open the file or just close the window. it just downloads and doesnt ask anything. and i really like the feature how it ask me to open the file. anybody know how to get this back.
k im stupid, i just had to check the box on the download not to close the dialog box, but from about half the websites i go to my download only go about 55kbs, they usually got around 160kbs. it ran fine before this update.
is there a way to uninstall the update i downloaded? its called Microsift .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. and i have service pack 2. i noticed this after i downloaded. maybe this is only compatable with sp1
You can uninstall SPs and patches from the add-remove programs in the control panel. You just need to know the # of the patch.
well, i uninstalled it, didnt help with the download speeds. then i went back into windows update and its not there. shouldnt it go back there since i uninstalled it. do i even need .NET framework