sp2 and ipod help


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
i reformatted my comp today and installed the SP2 with windows xp. My ipod had been used when i was on SP1. Whenever i plug my ipod into my comp it never loads and it freezes explorer.exe. When i unplug the ipod from the comp the comp continues working immediatly. Could using SP2 now and not SP1 screw with my ipod? Do i need to reconfigure my ipod for SP2? Anyway i can get all my music off before configuring? Thanks!
Yep. I'd say it looks as though SP2 is not making your iPod happy. I'm not sure why this thread was moved here, but i'll help all i can. I would just recomend getting on a computer with SP1 or that at least can read your iPod. Then copy your music from your ipod to that computer's hard drive. (There are applications that can do this for you, or you can copy the files manually) then reformat your iPod using your SP2 machine. Now import those songs back into itunes on your SP2 machine and update your iPod. you should be good to go. :D
Just some help, but I have an ipod 3g and no problems with SP2.... syncs up just fine....