SP2 2162 - Right click freezes


Mar 14, 2004

I was using RC2 then I switched to RC2 2162 and now I have an annoyance to deal with :mad:

If I right click on ANY icon (folder, shortcut, etc), whether it be on the desktop or in a explorer window I get a freeze followed by the termination and reloading of explorer.exe

I also get the same freeze if I left click on an icon in an explorer window and try to click on the "File" menu selection up the top left - which provides similar functionality to that of right clicking on the icon (so I figure they are related).

I have run Norton WinDoctor and Winguides Registry Mechanic but it still remains. I also tried to file a bug report but the ghey windows bug report site told me it had an error and was unable to process the report.

Ideas? (Except for "Reinstall windows")

Go Back to RC2 v. 2149. It runs like gold. Hopefully this wont happen in the final version of SP2.
Reverting back to RC2 2149 has removed this bug.

What frustrates me still is the possibility that his bug wont be fixed as I was unable to use the bug report website.

Being stuck with RC2 2149 when the public final of SP2 comes out is going to annoy me.....