Sound stutters in Vista during load


Oct 3, 2006
I just installed Vista x64 onto my desktop. When nothing is going on, I can play music normally. But when I'm installing an application, or running any sort of scan or process, the sound starts to stutter. I can actually hear the playback slowing down and during heavy processes can hear individual samples. I've read on various sites that the SATA drivers in Vista are shoddy and have tried to install different ones, to no success. I've even heard of people installing XP X64 drivers but I haven't been able to do this successfully. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the root of this problem and/or solutions?
Creative Audigy SE. Thing is, it happened even before I had the drivers installed and it was still running on the Realtek AC97 that's onboard.
Here's the thing, there is a known issue with the way Vista handles sound in general since day one. Instead of having direct access to the device it has to go through an extra layer of crap. Ask anyone that works with in digital sound recording and after they tell you to use a mac, they'll tell you why Vista is horrible for sound recording.
Is an Athlon X2 3800+ and a 20000RPM RAID array seriously not enough to handle this extra layer? Is there some way to disable it or maybe load the music in a different fashion to get it to read properly? I haven't noticed problems in games, but I have with music in several applications and even a few times with the Vista sounds. It's infuriating!
Is an Athlon X2 3800+ and a 20000RPM RAID array seriously not enough to handle this extra layer? Is there some way to disable it or maybe load the music in a different fashion to get it to read properly?

Basically No. I've been fighting the battle on and off since Vista arrived. Sometimes I can get it to work ok, then if I reinstall Vista for some other reason the damn thing stutters again. I've just given up for the moment and hope that MS fixes the frigin thing. I've read that SP1 would have a fix, but I've got SP1 installed and it's still happening. My mouse also tends to lag in Vista as well.:eek:
Maybe it's because you have your hard drives overclocked to twice their rotational speed. ;)


Anyways, is it a possible drivers/64-bit/card capability thing? I ask because my Audigy 2 ZS plat pro doesn't give any studdering, and I use 32bit Vista. I also record audio and use Sonar 6/Reason 3 and Guitar Rig 2 with no lag (ASIO set to 2ms), studdering or popping.
this brings all to my just recent problem, Same OS and same sound card. I just lost ALL audio from my sound card, and from onboard. WTF
Heh, it's 2x 10000 RPM, so I just say 20000. Anyways, does this mean I should give 32 bit Vista a try before I just give up entirely and go back to good old XP?
Don't think Vista32 will fix it for you as I have a Chaintech AV-710 on Vista32 and have noticed the same issue on occasion. And Microsoft said sound in Vista would be better and we don't need hardware acceleration anymore. BS! They lied to us once again.
I get this one two of my three Vista machines as well, but it never really bothered me. As long as the sound is clear and crisp when I'm using the computer (which it is), I'm fine with it.
Vista is known to have problems with the Raptor. I have one too, and sound stutters. I used to have a 500 GB WD5000AAKS and I don't believe I had that problem. I don't know what is going on with Raptors that makes it different from other hard drives in the way that things are handled from the operating system side, but I am fairly confident that is your issue. Someday, I will probably replace my Raptor as well, or wait for Vista to get a fix.
Well, I think I've solved my issue. I read elsewhere that the Intel RAID seems to have issues with Vista. So, I changed my RAID array over to the JMicron controller and viola no more sound stuttering or mouse lag. WTF! I realize not everyone out there is running a RAID, but even if you're not you can still try another controller to see what might happen.