Sound measurement for PSU reviews


Apr 3, 2008
As suggested I am starting a new thread to post my ideas rather than junk up a review thread.

One way I can think of doing it is have a case that is used for all the sound reviews, mount PSU in the case and use headers for it to plug into a bus with very heavy gauge wires leading to the load tester behind a sound proof wall. Not very practical because it requires 2 rooms and ideally the second room is totally sound proofed. My second thought is using a sound proofed closet but the closeness of the walls would echo worse than a real room unless they were treated.
I think the closet idea might be some what practical.
I think 5x5x7 feet would be a good size for the closet. 2x4 frame with min. studs.
Rockwool insulation, sheet rock inside and out.
Rubber blocks or old tires on the bottom for isolation from the floor.
Heavy wool cloth lining the walls to reduce echoes.
Built in fire extinguisher aimed at the case with a cable to activate it.
So what would be the real point here? Most newer PSUs are damn near silent, even at full load. Case fans, radiator and/or heatsink fans drown out the PSU fan in almost every system I've ever used.
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I think 5x5x7 feet would be a good size for the closet. 2x4 frame with min. studs.
Rockwool insulation, sheet rock inside and out.
Rubber blocks or old tires on the bottom for isolation from the floor.
Heavy wool cloth lining the walls to reduce echoes.
Built in fire extinguisher aimed at the case with a cable to activate it.

You do realize that none of that comes close to what is required to actually build an anechoic chamber, right?

When I made that comment I meant legitimate solutions.
You do realize that none of that comes close to what is required to actually build an anechoic chamber, right?

When I made that comment I meant legitimate solutions.
no one lives in an anechoic chamber, real world testing is better which is why the 2 room solution would be the ideal and the closet maybe a close enough approximation.
Define "legitimate". It is impossible to come up with a solution until the specifications are set.