Sorting & renaming video files - Movies, TV, etc - what is the best way?

Aug 21, 2009
I have a gimongous project and that is to put my multimedia files in some kind of logical order. I'm mainly dealing with video files from mobile 480x360 resolution to HD 1920x1080. They are movies or TV shows, music videos and YouTube videos (usually demonstrations/how to's). I also have a mixture of audio files of all different formats from lossy (mp3) to loss-less and with that you have genre, band, album and song.

Most of the file names are something like this:

I don't know if I should keep info like the resolution and codec and I really have the "." between everything.

Also, I'm not sure how to organize videos. I had split between TV shows/series and movies. Then if a movie was a series, that had it's own folder inside movies - like star trek, batman's, etc. There are so many movies that having them all in one folder takes a while to scroll through so I tried folder A-D, E-H, I-L, etc then anything with a number.

My main issue is figuing out how to rename these files - mainly what format to put in the file name and with what information - then I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this than going through windows explorer, right-clicking each file and selecting "rename" - that is very tedious. I know F2 is supposed to enter the rename action but I've found it unreliable at times where it just stops working until a reboot (on both windows and linux system - on seperate hardware on seperate networks so it is a common issue on both OS's!). I'm running linux but can do the work on a Windows system by sharing the files over the network, so that won't be a problem.

Anyone have a naming and filing system they like for their multimedia files that they would like to share?