sort of Dual Boot


Limp Gawd
Dec 6, 2004
Alright i have always had a linux box to play around with, but i wanted to put it on my main PC so i could have a very nice linux system. Not on my old 1ghz 128mb box.

Now i would try dual booting but i do not feel like repartioning my whole dirve and i have a feeling i would screw something up. So if i were to get another drive, could i dual boot with 2 different hard drive, like one HD be Win and the other Linux, the HDs are SATA's.

Thank You
Yes, you can do that. However, I'm not sure if it will work, because the order of the OS installs will be the determining factor. You have to install one before the other, but I don't know from a Windows/Linux dual boot standpoint.
Yea, i can see how it would not work becuase i would have to boot loaders, one on the winHD and the other on the linuxHD. But then again with SATA there are no masters and slaves, unless that is handeled on the MB by way of connector number(ie SATA1 and SATA2)

i was wondering if anyone had ever attempted it before.

so i have been searching around and i have kind of come up with a plan of action and i thought i would share to get some incite if what i am going to do will be totally wrong.

I have already installed XP first.
then install linux on to the 2nd drive and install grub on the master boot loader.
chose to boot from the linux drive in the bios

i will figure out the little things such as putting the XP drive in the grub boot loader. but that is a general plan of action.
Installing Windows first is the first step to a sucessful dual boot installation. The distro you choose will come with a bootloader, grub or lilo. The installation will be the same with a partitioned drive, which your distro installation will do, or a second hard drive.