Somewhat Useless Vista Backup!


Feb 12, 2007
I just was wondering if anyone else had noticed how useless the backup utility is in Vista.

It won't let you back up from anything other than the System volumes.
It also doesn't let you specify drives or anything.

It also seems you can just do one backup job.

Ideally I would like for it to pull all my docs and save them somewhere (which it does).
And then save THOSE to another disk. I get 2 backups that way.
I have to agree, not as much as I was hoping for. I've looked in the folders were it saved the documents and everything and don't really see "my documents" which I had hoped to verify they were saved. Is there something I am missing, or what other solutions to people use? I don't really care about backing up my programs, just my documents and pictures.
Something I forgot to mention, is it seems to be a step backwards from XP!
XP allowed you more advanced settings, Vista does not.

I really haven't dug too deep into the backup system, yet. I ended up downloading Cobian though, because it lets me to tell it to "backup here to here" with no questions asked.
I've never used the built in app because it seems to limited. I've been using SyncToy 1.4 and it works great. It does the simple "take this and copy it here" routines, with some extra features.
My Raid borked for the second time and I couldn't restore. Stupid dual boot XP!