Something Happened to all my files.....

Mar 17, 2005
Ok, so for some reason I lost all my files, music, videos, and pictures. I lost so much I had to do a rewrite of Winxp. Anyhoo, i was wondering, it seems all of my files are there.....but the adresses to them are missing (FAT) basicly, was wondering is there a program that can scan my hard drive to find missing pics, mp3, avi's?

thats free :p

yeah... there out there.. free is the trick... search majorgeeks... your likely to comeup with something, it has been some time sence i have had to use a file restorer

yeah i found a file restorer, but heres the thing, i cant find the files, the addresses to the files are whats missing........

need a program that will scan my entire hard drive looking for lost addresses and recover them......
theres bound to be something at HAS to be...otherwise, you should google it....I'm sorry, though, as I know of no programs off the top of my head!
hrumm, maybe it isnt fat then..........i know windows xp was installed useing ntfs......i jus thtought since the adresses were deleted or poofed, means it was the fat?

i used a registery cleaner and didnt realize i was cleaning everything i wasnt useing, so it started cleaning stuff i basicly it ate my registery, and all my files poofed......just wondering if theres hope

gonna use that program tho, thanks Ice

Alright, i read those links, i understand now...............but still cant understand about my problem.......

I started "cleaning" things i didnt mean to and trying to recover them, i used the program you gave me, and sent you a PM about it, i dont see an option to "recover" it........

There's some freeware called Restoration, that should do the trick. I'm not really understanding how you "lost" your files though, because a registry cleaner won't delete actual files. If you simply deleted the file from within explorer, this program should be able to recover them.