Some tips/help on windows server 2003 for a beginner.


Apr 20, 2007
Hey guys well a friend of mine was able to get me a copy of server 2003. Yesterday I installed it in a virtual machine and I started messing around with it. My company also has a ton of online e-books where I can reference anything I need. Eventually I plan to install it in an old dell workstation and use it as a file server.

My question to ye wise IT gods... well starting out what are the most common topics I should focus on? I know security is probably at the top and I know there's just tons of things I need to learn. But what are the good old basics that you could say, well if you know this you could probably set up a server with shares, printers, group policies. I got all these books but i really don't know where to begin. It's like ok well I'll start from the first chapter, but that's all just what's new on server 2003 and you know.

If you got some tips or books you would recommend I would thank you a lot. Again my company has a ton of books and I should be able to find almost anything, i just dont really know what a good book for a beginner would be.

I want to get as much experience as I possibly can, lets just say it's going to be another year before i can go back to college and I want to get a head start.
I'd suggest buying some books on that explain this stuff. Also go on Youtube and watch some vids. Also do some googling.... ;)
Honestly, I've been using some of the stuff from Train Signal. The videos are great, cheap and will help walk you through it all. If you're serious about knowing it, books are great. But if you're like me, I like to be shown how to do it a couple of times and I'll remember and understand it better.
Well i'm already trying to learn stuff on my own and reading books. Just wanted to know, like what are the "most" commonly used tools and I guess it's always nice to have someone who can show you the ropes like having a mentor you know. Well sadly train signal is too expensive for me, especially living in mexico where they pay me with beans.. j/k.