Some dvd burning questions

Aug 23, 2005
Ok first of the 3 programs I'm using are win avi, dvd shrink and nero with dvd plugin.

1. I use win avi to convert avi to dvd and dvd shrink to shrink the size of the file. But when i load the shrunk file into nero it end s up being bigger? Like the file will be 334mb in dvd shrink but it will be .74gigs in nero, wheres the extra stuff comming from.

2. I also tryed just loading a 350mb avi file into nero. But when i loaded it into nero it turned into a 2.04 gig size file. Why such the large jump in size?

3. Are These the best programs to be using for this process.

4. Any help on what i may be doing wrong or diff. programs to be used would really help me out alot. Thanks for your time.