Solution to backup Hotmail/MSN eMail?


Sep 18, 2004
I have a client that uses MSN/Hotmail for her business. She does not want to change the email address as many of her clients have been using it for years. She is also deep in her ways so does not want to change clients. She uses MSN as her browser/email.

Few months ago somehow many of her emails got erased. She contacted MSN and they could not be recovered. She did not delete them herself.

Is there any TRUSTED company that will back up all her emails? I suggested that she could make an gmail account and forward all the emails to it and send mails through it and it'll still how up as if she was on MSN, but she doesn't want to do that.

I googled around and couldn't find anything. If there is no solution for this I'll simply tell her... but figured I'd ask here first. :c)

Would using POP3 mess up anything if she also checks her mail on her Blackberry? I can try asking her to use Outlook 2007... hopefully she'll be willing.
afaik while ive been using ouutlook 2007 it syncs with hotmail with the live connector... it will sync even the read e-mail that i checked online from somewhere else. But! iff something is deleted online it will sync and delete local ones too...

of course once it downloaded it u can back it up from ur system right? it just backing up files at that point isnt it?
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Normally POP3 (Post Office Protocol) works like a B&M post office. You connect to the server and collect your mail, moving it out of the mailbox. You can configure most POP3 clients to leave mail on the server though - it'll download anything it hasn't seen yet, without removing the mail from the server. I've used this method for troubleshooting family members' email, and my copying of the messages to my own system did not affect their mail/client at all.