Software to shrink avi files.


Aug 24, 2003
I use Fraps to record video & sound when I'm gaming online. Fraps creates an avi file that is quite large. Is there a free software available that will shrink the file size down for me? Thanks for your help.
Sounds like you want to re-encode the video. Try for more info.
I second virtualdub. You can't convert the fraps video to a divx for some reason im guessing the codec they use but you can convert them to xvid. A 330mb fraps .avi will convert to a 118mb xvid video which looks noticeably better.
I second virtualdub. You can't convert the fraps video to a divx for some reason im guessing the codec they use but you can convert them to xvid. A 330mb fraps .avi will convert to a 118mb xvid video which looks noticeably better.

How can it look better? That's not can't get more than what you start with (bitrate, resolution, etc)
I dont know it just does. The text is less blurry and easily readable when converted to xvid.