software and windows xp home


Nov 1, 2004
well, i am building my first rig, and have a problem.
i want to have, at least, microsoft word and powerpoint.
do these come with windows xp home OEM? if they dont, do they come with the retail? or do i have to buy these programs separately and for how much?
Windows XP only comes with the Windows XP system. The other programs are part of the Microsoft Office suite, and yes, you will have to buy that separately.

The Office suite can be had for anywhere from $200 - $500 I think, depending on the level of the package (Standard, Pro, Premium), and there's an Academic edition for students and teachers for a little less. Stand alone word and powerpoint programs are something like $60 each, but I don't know that much about the stand alone versions.

If that's a tad pricey, might I suggest alternatives like (free to download) or AbiWord?
well, i will try to find them seperately and i dont want to buy microsoft office for $300 for two things.....thanks alot, i will just get a free word processor (they look the same as word anyway)