So where are the 939 boards?


Nov 21, 2000
I really dont understand this launch. Has there been any news of problems that would explain the slow relase of new mother boards? The chips are out, you can buy them without incident. But your up the creek if you want to actually slap them in an Nforce3 board. Heck even the via stuff is in very short supply. You have what all of 3 choices right now? One would almost think they want 939 to flop for the time being...maybe until 754 stuff is more fully exhausted? I'm lost and all i wanted to do was have a clear upgrade option for July. Even Intel isnt a straight shot... :confused:
yeah it's kind of annoying, i just bought this A8V as a temporary motherboard until more came out, i spoke with DFI about their NF3 board and they said it'd be released the beginning of August, so hopefully we'll see more towards the end of july and the beginning of august.
Yup... I'm in the same boat. Sitting here twiddling my thumbs WAITING to get more then 3 options. I usually go for 1 big upgrade every 3 - 5 years and I can't really afford to get a temporary solution nor do I want that hassle. The MSI board supposedly is out soon but currently is only available for presale at $390 (well $389.99 to be fair :rolleyes: ) but if it doesn't drop to $200 or less that's still not a very realistic option... I don't get the availability issues, especially since the NF3 250 and the K8T800 Pro are both 754 / 939 compatible so in theory it's a pretty simple change, right? I mean it's not like they had to develop a whole new chipset for the 939, support PCI-E, BTX, or anything like that. What's the dealio with the delays? :confused:
I think the problems are from the board manufacturers trying to use 754 designs with socket 939 and dual channel. I read somewhere (PC Per/AMDMB) that MSI is having trouble with DC on the Neo2 because it's based on the 754 Neo. Didn't Chaintech have similar problems going from NF3-150 to NF3-250 on their S754 boards? (albeit a different cause)

Although I am really liking my board (system), AnandTech has a review on the top boards. I considered MSI, but some were having problems locally with them so went to Gigabyte.