So what problems will i encounter with Vista 64bit?


Apr 3, 2008
Hi guys!

I am making my first PC build and am unsure whether to go with the 32 or 64 bit version of vista ultimate. I will be getting 4gb RAM and so i want to make full use of it.

I just wanted to ask whether vista 64bit works much better now as when it came out i heard lots of horror stories about it? what are the main problmes if any about it still?

I am a very novice PC expert so what problems if any will i see and will i be able to get around it?

I just want my cannon printer, belkin wireless adaptor and mp3,psp players to be able to work fine.

Also IMPORTANT question will games (new ones) work fine or will i see lower performance compared to being on the 32bit version of vista? I'll be gaming a lot!

Please reply. Thanks!
I am a very novice PC expert


just go for 64bits, i mean if u have a x64 cpu then, that is what u ought to choose. Vista 32 bits, is like WinXP 64bits, and what is? a waste of money ;)
I've yet to have any problems with Vista 64. I say go for it.
Just make sure there are drivers for your devices and you should be fine.

That link will tell you if there are drivers from the vendor or from microsoft directly. At this point, driver support for V64 is pretty good.

As far as gaming performance 32 to 64, they are about neck and neck. In general use, I think 64bit is a little snappier.
thanks guys!

Just remembered one last Q....Do the creative soundcards work fine now or they still having problems with vista64?
Be sure to check your printer for drivers - I just upgraded to Vista64 and found out after I did that my printer (a recent model HP Laserjet) has no 64-bit drivers. It's a shared printer on another computer, so the Vista upgrade advisor thing didn't point it out to me. Other than that, it's been pretty smooth.
Keep in mind, you can use the Vista PCL driver for many HP printers if there is no native driver. I am using it for my Laserjet 1012.
Vista has some nifty sound drivers built in, even for high def stuff. Should have the drivers for your sound built in.

"The Windows Vista Hardware Compatibility List is currently only compatible with Internet Explorer 6 and above. We apologize for the inconvenience."

I ran 64 bit for about an hour before removing it. Ran vista for about a year and a half before removing it too.

I didn't really have problems with it save for my TV tuner.

The main reason why i don't use X64 of Vista is because Groove doesn't support it which for me is killer.

I run server 2008 on my laptop and it runs rather well.

Also, it doesn't really matter which version you buy, the 32 bit key works for the 64 bit version
Keep in mind, you can use the Vista PCL driver for many HP printers if there is no native driver. I am using it for my Laserjet 1012.

I tried to add a different printer driver, but couldn't figure out how to map the shared printer (it's on a different computer) and get it to work - do you have a link to a guide by chance?
I've had numerous errors compiling stuff using Visual C++ 2008 Enterprise Edition. This is using Vista Ultimate 64, I eventually re-installed XP Pro and use Visual C++ 2006, works like a charm.
Yes I need help with 1012 as well please!

I have had one 'sort of' working before by forcing the installation of a slightly higher series LaserJet driver for the 1012, but it regularly just prints garbage characters. HP needs to actually write some drivers for this thing -- their driver page has been promising them since 2006. It's pathetic. They've actually lost me as a customer over the whole thing.
I went ahead and installed 64 bit again last night to give it another chance. I am regretting it already. I knew I would have to give up Virtual CloneDrive. Autologon.exe works with 32 bit. 64 bit just ignores it. And the probable deal breaker that will cause me to reformat again before the day is over will be UAC. I can use the Windows Compatibility Toolkit to make .sdb files to make exceptions for UAC. Doesn't do crap on 64 bit. It claims it worked, and then does nothing. My only other option is that I will turn off UAC again and try to live without the programs that don't work, but with 32 bit I don't have any of these issues.
I've been running Vista64 for the past few months now and I haven't run into any issue that was related to it being the 64bit version. My games and software all seem to work just fine and my cheapie all in one Epson printer had 64 bit drivers.

I just hope that one day soon we dump the 32bit OS all together so the entire industry can move past this memory "cap".