So what do you think would happen to software if M$ called it quits


[H]F Junkie
Jun 16, 2004
I just read that after Novell just collected over $500 million from M$ that they have fired off another lawsuit for antitrust violations in the 90's (Read it here ) Novell also stated that they intend to pursue aggressively to recovering value for the harm caused by Microsoft's actions. Amid this and current EU lawsuits for monoploy tactics and such, what do you think would happen in the software market if Microsoft closed their doors because of all legal action against them?

Do you think we would see a heavy boost in the linux community to pick up the slack and make it more everyday user friendly? since a lot of ideas for windows are based on other platform ideas how long would it be before the industry can recover from the absence of windows.

So basicly if you were in bill gates position with a company with over 40 billion in cash reserves what would you do, personally i wouldn't want any part of it regardless of money, the legal matters would just piss me off and i would put a bid in to purchase the us government lol.

P.S. this is a serious thread please no M$ blows crap
Interesting thought. Honestly I just don’t see MS closing its doors. If they did most likely scenario (Unless the throw everyone a curveball and Open source it all) is that we would be using MS Software until another company makes a replacement, or Linux matures more.

Just because MS closes it doors doesn’t mean that all its software stops working. For the MOST part MS software DOES work, There is enough knowledge out there about XP and current corp level usage that everyone wont instantly move to Linux. Maybe eventually. As more holes came out, then who knows.

just my 2 cents
I think productivity software would just roll along. OpenOffice and so forth are at a point where they could step in and replace the MS apps.

Operating systems (and by extension, computer sales) would stagnate for a couple years at minimum, though. Linux still isn't idiot-friendly enough to go mainstream (I think a couple years of "we can really replace MS now" would fix it, though), and Apple's price point is still too high for mass market.

A lot of development initiatives would be in better shape for it. No more nonsense like MS tweaking XML to be proprietary XAML or whatever they're calling stuff for Longhorn, for example.
somebody else would step up to the plate. there are thousands of sharks circling.

and if you wanted a serious thread, don't say "M$"
Linux is a great OS but it has FAR to go before it becomes a desktop OS. MS is where it is now because of its shrewdness, don't underestimate how far they will go to maintain thier marketshare.
That's like the Honda Corporation ceasing production of their automobiles just to produce mufflers and custom parts. Don't ever expect Microsoft to drop 75% of their retail sales simply because they might "grow tired" of the product. Business is business and the operating system market is basically theirs. Think of how much annual income that they earn during a fiscal year based solely off Windows. I can guarantee you that the net residual income is greater than the total gross margin income of their total other product line.

Dark Assassin
if ms decided to close down its os opperation.. i can garrentee you they would forge ahead with every other project they got there grubby littel mits on... how ever.. if they where smart.. apple would release os x for wintel machines, that is rumered to be running internally, they would be make a butt load of money in no time flat.. hell im supprised they dont release it any way, alot of people would buy it just to get away from ms, while not wanting to deal with linux... thow this would undermine there pc sales, they would most likely make far more on there os in the 1st year than they ever made on there pc's (ok.. maybe not.. but i bet it would come close... and to top it off.. game and soft ware support would go throught the roof for them as well... they have a slick littel product, and by not releaseing it... i think there doing more harm than good...

that said.. im normally a mac basher.. but only based on >os9.. havent played on any thing newer yet..

Apple keeps Darwin (The OSX core, CLI only) current for Intel systems and even offers it as a free download.

So, if Apple wanted to, they could jump into the X86 arena. But that would canabalize their Mac hardware.
well lets look at it this way, Microsoft's sales are over run by anti competitive and anti trust lawsuits around the world (taking place here and the EU) goverments around the world are part of these lawsuits and MS is basicly in a world court. So they close their doors with ALL operations due to theses lawsuits which they have to pay billions upon billions to settle. This also ends all supports for all MS products already in play, how long do you really think windows will work well with no support.

OSx would most likely be release for x86 pc's but what about all other ms products, open office would take over, but how long do you really think these products will be free?
k1pp3r said:

OSx would most likely be release for x86 pc's but what about all other ms products, open office would take over, but how long do you really think these products will be free?

you mean yuo have to pay for em??? ;)

well.. i think its more likely the ms will be forced into devideding up its devisions, rather than close down compleatly break up the not quite monopolythat they pretend isnt there, or.. thell do what someone else suggested and start buying there own countrys.. *shrug*

dosent matter to me.. im perfectly capable of running linux... and wouldnt mind tryiong out osx, ms's pockets go deep.. and they keep releaseing new stuff and keep makeing there money back...

thore said:
hell do what someone else suggested and start buying there own countrys.. *shrug*

Yeah that was me ;)

as far a paying for it. well if they charge then you should pay for it period!

a lot of people here probably could run linux, including me but what about joe blow majority that MS caters to with user friendly apps.

Monoply isn't the issue here, nor the breaking up of the company which could inturn hurt the company and others as well or in turn make MS a bigger and better machine (Girlfriends thoughts there ;) ) (she may post something later also) the issue here is if the lawsuit costs (settlements and lawyer costs) exceed the gross profit income of the company and bill gates closes the doors due to this and ends all support and take the source code to the grave. The man is worth over 40 billion i think he could retire and not worry about a thing.

Also think of all the people that would be out of work and what the SCO company would do with the unix/linux world.

My question is what would this do to the world economy, sure we can answer what would take over, but how would the world market respond?