So the account name you create when joining Steam, when is it used ?


Aug 13, 2014
Okay for example I created a new Steam account and the name I used is Blue96, so will that name be used when also when I play games such as BF:Bad company 2 as your in game user name ? Is the account name be used in any games I buy from Steam ?

Second question if not then what's the point of having a account name why not just use our email address ? I know probably for many you don't remember signing up for Steam, so just to refresh your memory to join you have to make a account name and a password.
In my experience the onlytime your Steam ID is present is your Steam profile where your achievements and things are kept, the Steam forums and chat pages, and the Steam messenger. The games I've played require you to create your own ID within the game for multiplayer. I haven't played BF: Bad Company 2 but it's probably the same way. I assume Valve games would use your Steam ID in game but I don't play CS:GO or anything like that so I don't know their either.

I probably wasn't much help. :p
So your steam account name the one you create when you sign is unique and can't be changed and is only used for log-in credentials ?

The steam ID does not have to be unique and can be changed correct ?

By the way would it be dumb to use your real name for the account name then when you create your Steam account the first time ?
I set my account up over 12 years ago so it's been a while. The Steam account ID itself is the thing that Valve knows and ties all your purchases and stuff too. Your Profile name is the one you can change to whatever you want and it's what shows up in the Steam chat and community. I misspoke earlier. I don't THINK your account name itself shows up to anyone outside of Valve anymore, the profile name that you set to whatever you like is what the public sees. Still I don't think any of this matters inside most games as they have their own user ID systems and don't use the Steam user ID or Profile ID for their online features. There are a couple exceptions I think but I can't name any off the top of my head.
Borderlands 2 and CS uses your valve screen name instead of their own dedicated names.
I could have sworn CS:GO uses my Steam display name when I played online.
In CS you set your display name in the options panel. The default is probably your Steam name. My steam login is actually an email address.
Old steam logins ~12 years old (like mine) are an email and you had to set another name at some stage. Somehow there can be multiple versions of this name it seems as some cunt stole/also uses my handle (amongst his many name changes) which is same as here..
No Mans Sky uses steam name it seems.
it does use your Steam name in-game...I'm playing Evolve right now and it shows my name whenever I'm in the player lobby...but you can change that name
Many games pull it in as your PlayerID, but not all of them. Somewhere down the line I ended up with 2 accounts (1 is an e-mail and 1 is a UserID) but eventually got that sorted out.
The steam account name you login with is not used anywhere outside of steam. Mine is my email when I created back in 2005.
So your steam account name the one you create when you sign is unique and can't be changed and is only used for log-in credentials ?

The steam ID does not have to be unique and can be changed correct ?

By the way would it be dumb to use your real name for the account name then when you create your Steam account the first time ?
Your Steam ID is an unique alpha-numeric string and cannot be changed. The account name is what you chose when you created your Steam account initially and is what is used to sign in, which also cannot be changed. Then there is your profile name, which is simply what is displayed while utilizing Steam's services and can be changed at will in your profile settings. If you have ever visited another user's profile page and noticed a pulldown arrow next to the name, clicking on this will show a history of the other names this user has used. Many games that use Steam for multiplayer will use your current profile name by default.
I've been with Steam for over 12 years, this is what mine looks like