So my windows just hangs at the startup screen


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2002
where that little bar runs across under the Microsoft Windows XP Splash page

wtf could be causing this? It's happened to me before and i had to reformat, but this was just TWO months ago!!!!

i don't wanna do this everytime.

I got it to work once by going into safe mode, and it said it couldn't load:

it finally loaded, and when i went to restart, windows loaded that time.
When i restarted windows in regular mode, it wouldn't load again :(
I'll use my stupidity as a learning experience for everyone.

I tried burning an xbox game last night with alcohol, but i cancelled burning it during the process.

The drive wouldn't open anymore, so i ignored it till my next restart.

Well, i restarted today, and put that DVD back in thinking that nothing burned on to it.

I realized it was that when i kept hearing a clicking noise coming from my PC case. I went down to listen and i was like "WTF? Is my HARD DRIVE dying on me?" But the noise was coming from my DVD-RW :eek: I took the DVD out and everything is working perfectly :eek: :eek: