So Crystal Chronicles is tremendous...


Aug 23, 2001
A buddy of mine imported Crystal Chronicles a few months ago and I finally got to play some four-player. All I have to say is, it's awesome despite not knowing much of how it worked. It takes a little while to get the hang of and we figured out most of the important menus by trial and error, but eventually we were running like a well-oiled machine. We were comboing attacks and running feints, shifting combat roles on the fly... Man, the synergy that game build in the team is nothing short of enormous. Everyone's abilities clear between each area, which is actually kind of cool since it helps to make sure players occupy different roles each time. And everyone gets a different map view each time; be it an enemy scanner, or a topographical map, or one that just shows treasure chests. It requires that your players work together and keep each other informed. It's really a nice dynamic.

The reviews seem to all say it's a hassle to set up a four-player game but everybody just brings a GBA and plugs it right in; it's pretty effortless and once everyone gets used to it, things roll right along. Having four people is a must, though. Fewer would probably work but four seems to balance out just right. I don't see it being a problem finding three other people to play. I've already got a group and a day set aside during the week to start playing once the US version hits next week.

I am so stoked about this. I can't wait.
I thought that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was for the Gamecube and not the gameboy??
It is for the GC, but each person needs a gba to play because of the menu system. Just be sure to have friends with gba's.
Originally posted by odoe
It is for the GC, but each person needs a gba to play because of the menu system. Just be sure to have friends with gba's.



I have been playing my GC more than my PC for the last year. Super monkey ball got me supre freaking durstrated lmao ;) [/offtopic]
so do you just use your GBA to control your character in Crystal chronicles?
Originally posted by omi
so do you just use your GBA to control your character in Crystal chronicles?
When playing in multiplayer, yes. You use the GBA screen to access all of your menus. Pressing SELECT toggles between controlling your character on screen and manipulating your menus. When in menu-mode, your character automatically keeps up with the rest of the group.
seems to complicated to do all this this stuff. Why can't they make it multiplayer-able? and then everyone can link all their stuff togehter that way?
I'm afraid I don't understand. It is multiplayer. Just instead of pausing the action everytime someone needs to dig through a menu to use an item or swap out an ability, you get your own menu and everyone else can continue. Sometimes they have to watch out for you if you need to get into your bag in the middle of a fight.

If you mean why didn't they make it network capable, you'd have to play it to understand. Some fights require a very high level of team coordination. You need everyone to be together and to be able to communicate.
Just don't drop the bucket, or your friends will kick your ass. :p
Eh, really, you can drop the bucket all you want. Sometimes you have to. It's kinda boring just carrying it all the time. What pisses your teammates off is wandering off with it and leaving one or more people behind.

We usually went by a policy that whoever had the full map was on bucket duty unless they had some strong objection. That seemed to rotate the responsibility pretty well.
When I first saw a preview on X-play it changed my mind but from what people are talking I might just have to buy it. Plus now I have an SP instead of the old GBA.