Smoothwall help


Bad Trader
Jun 15, 2004
ok, so this is my fourth damn attempt at smoothwall. Yes I'm a noob. Here's the setup, I have Comcast and it goes from the modem to the smoothwall PC, then out to the switch. Since my IP hasn't changed in months I put my external IP and said it was static. Can't really figure out y it isn't working. So if anybody has any suggestions, plz tell me.
I use IPCOP which is very very similar to Smoothwall. Did you try leaving Smoothwall up and running, while you turn your Cable Modem off for about 1-2 minutes? Try that, then after the modem is back up and running, restart the Smoothwall machine.

If that doesn't work. Reload Smoothwall and set it to DHCP, even if your ISP hasn't changed your IP in months.
First, as said above, even if the IP hasn't changed in months Comcast is almost always DHCP (unless you are paying for static IP).

Second, once you get the config of the Smoothwall box all set, unplug the power on the cable modem and count to ten, then plug it back in.

If that doesn't work you get to start doing things like basic connection testing (ping, then ping the external IP address, then the next hop up, etc...)
comcast typically uses motorolla surfboards.. it can only know one mac address, only the known mac address gets internet access, switching from the desktop to the smoothwall has confused the modem, hook the smoothwall back up, set it for dhcp, unplug the modem for a minute or so and then try it
ksanders2006 said:
You never mentioned anything about a default gateway. So I assume you input that info? I thought that was if you were connecting to a router, like when you want a static IP on your computer. ok, so what do I put there?

Veeb0rg said:
comcast typically uses motorolla surfboards.. it can only know one mac address, only the known mac address gets internet access, switching from the desktop to the smoothwall has confused the modem, hook the smoothwall back up, set it for dhcp, unplug the modem for a minute or so and then try it

Acctually I have a Terayon TJ715x Modem, even though all my friends have moterolla surfboards.

Also I am going from using a router to smoothwall if that makes any differance.

I had the same situation and this worked for me:

   Intarweb --> Linksys Cable Modem --> Smoothwall --> Linksys Router --> LAN

Once you are sure everything is connected correctly, try the following:
1. Set Smoothwall to get its external ip via DHCP
2. Find the DNS servers that you are connecting to, plug them into Smoothwall as its DNS servers (Note: I don't remember exactly how this is configured in Smoothwall, I haven't looked at it in quite a while). I also have my Smoothwall acting as my DHCP server, so you may need to set that up also)
3. Save settings. Exit Smoothwall config
4. Configure computers/router to use Smoothwall's IP as your gateway
5. Power everything down and leave it off for about 30-45 mins (unplug cable modem). This should release your IP. As several people have mentioned, leaving it unplugged for only a few seconds won't solve the issue. It takes a while before they release your IP (at least from what I have seen and experienced) (Also, I'm assuming Comcast already has the MAC address for your modem, correct?)
5. After 30-45 mins, bring up the modem, followed by Smoothwall, then the router/switch, then the computers.
6. Surf for pr0n.

Hopefully this will work for you. I had tried setting my IP as static before and it didn't work either, so this "should" take care of it.
I disagree with murph's #2 Smoothwall should only act as a pass through. Plug Comcasts DNS servers into your user machine. Don't worry so much about plugging that into Smoothwall.

However, his point #6 is instrumental to the feeling of success once you've achieved your goals. :D
Wolf-R1 said:
I disagree with murph's #2 Smoothwall should only act as a pass through. Plug Comcasts DNS servers into your user machine. Don't worry so much about plugging that into Smoothwall.

However, his point #6 is instrumental to the feeling of success once you've achieved your goals. :D
Yes, #6 is vital!!

I was kind of question myself on #2 honestly. I don't remember if I ended up leaving it that way or not. I'd have to check.

Now...I need some other project to use as an excuse for that type of surfing !
Well, I really don't want to reset my external IP (hehe). Cuz I have web/ftp/game servers. Also I don't think I can leave my internet off for 30-45 minutes :p. I went into my current router settings and entered every number into smoothwall. The DNS gateway and all, still didn't work. Also can you open ports on it? Or is that what the DMZ is for. Will my other computers be able to freely communicate with my DMZ Servers? Wow I'm such a noob. Oh well you all were once :).
