Small RDP problem....


Jun 10, 2002
im using a of the shelf Linksys Wifi router....

and im trying to access multiple pcs behind that router using RDP...

this router only lets u route 1 port to 1 PC.... so i cant hit multiple PC's behind the router.... even though im using

any advice for a replacement router that will support opening up a entire port to get through the network? this cheapy linksys doesnt support that feature..

also...something with a reasonable price.
You need to forward the RDP port to the computer you need to connect to. You can modify the listening port with the reg key


or just forward the default, i forget what that is.

Found it, standard port seems to be 3389
With some routers, you can change the port that you forward to. So, for example, port 5000 could be forwarded to port 3389 on Server1, and port 5001 could be forwarded to port 3389 on Server2.
how about, take an old computer, and build a pfsense firewall? (replace your router)

i have no port forwards on my firewall, and when i vpn from wherever i am to my firewall, i can access any host on my network without modifying anything.

(all free, btw).

if you are unwilling to modify the registry (and then modify your RDP client, i have no idea how you would change the target port on that), then your ultimate problem is that you can only foward port 3389 to one box on the inside. VPN is a solution that would take care of that. alreadying having a subscription to is good, and you can use it with a pfsense box too. once vpn is setup, youll never visit this issue again.
how about, take an old computer, and build a pfsense firewall? (replace your router)

i have no port forwards on my firewall, and when i vpn from wherever i am to my firewall, i can access any host on my network without modifying anything.
Yes, a VPN solution would bypass any port-forwarding dilemmas.

So, to the OP, if you are comfortable with setting up a VPN client/server solution then this would only involve changing one machine's configuration (ie: add the VPN) versus doing manual port-forward settings in the firewall for each machine and modifying each machine's registry. OpenVPN and Hamachi are options to try.

HTH !!
Also... would installing a 3rd party firmware like DD-WRT fix this?

does 3rd party firmware support a full firewall?

Im reading over the pfsense material now
Another solution would be to RDP to 1 machine in the network and then bouce to the others from that machine. I little slower, but somewhat more secure then having all your machines internet facing all of a sudden
Someone already mentioned this idea but the best and easiest way to accomplish what you want (in my opinion) is to change the listening port on the computers.

All of your computers listen on port 3389 for remote desktop.
Let's say you have 5 computers.
Leave the first one untouched.
On the second computer, change the listening port to 3489 and forward port 3489 on the router to that computer.
On the third computer, change the listening port to 3589 and forward port 3589 on the router to that computer.

Then, when you want to remote desktop into computer two, let's say the address you normally remote desktop into is

Instead, you will remote desktop to this address:

I hope that was clear. It is really very simple to do and someone posted the link to the microsoft article on changing the listening port already.
i agree that does seem fairly simple... but will this work using

i WANTED to set up no-ip to work like this -> 1st computer -> 2nd computer

if i change the port forwarding like your suggesting

would i just setup no-ip like this? -> 1st computer 3340 -> 2nd computer

... im thinking that the no-ip software doesnt work like that and wants a different DNS name per machine...

Someone already mentioned this idea but the best and easiest way to accomplish what you want (in my opinion) is to change the listening port on the computers.

All of your computers listen on port 3389 for remote desktop.
Let's say you have 5 computers.
Leave the first one untouched.
On the second computer, change the listening port to 3489 and forward port 3489 on the router to that computer.
On the third computer, change the listening port to 3589 and forward port 3589 on the router to that computer.

Then, when you want to remote desktop into computer two, let's say the address you normally remote desktop into is

Instead, you will remote desktop to this address:

I hope that was clear. It is really very simple to do and someone posted the link to the microsoft article on changing the listening port already.
if i change the port forwarding like your suggesting

would i just setup no-ip like this? -> 1st computer 3340 -> 2nd computer

That is exactly how you do it, yes. See, the no-ip software is really using the IP address associated with your router/modem not with any of your individual pc's. So when you remote desktop to you are really sending a remote desktop request to your router and then it forwards that request to a pc.

You won't need to change any settings with your no-ip software.
well ok

u guys rock!

thanks for setting me straight on this, i should have figured this out by myself, but sometimes u cant see the forest for the trees