Small case for photographer


Jul 1, 2011
Hi all,

My current self-built pc is about 4 years old right now and I'm looking for a replacement as my motherboard has stopped working. For my new room, I want to try something new and small. My current pc specs: Asus P5E, E8400, 2x2GB DDR2, HD4870, enveloped by a Antec 900 case with a CM M620 PSD.

I'm a med student, and for the extra few bucks I do a lot of sports photography and have my own computer building business. Well, here in Holland people tend to choose a notebook rather than a desktop pc, so in two years I only sold about 25 custom built desktops. I have a lot of knowledge considering ATX and micro-ATX systems, but I've never had a customer ordering a micro-DTX or ITX form factor computer. I'm sure you know a lot more about that stuff than I do, especially with the components one can't use with a perticular small form factor case.

To give you some more info, I used the format in the sticky.

1. What will you be doing with this PC?
1) Managing my photography workflow as I am a sports photographer, mainly using Lightroom and, in second place, Photoshop CS5.
2) Gaming.
3) Web browsing, watching HD movies.

2. What's your budget?
No help needed with the components, at least not right now.

3. Where do you live?
The Netherlands.

4. What exact parts do you need for that budget?
As stated. I will be using a budget of about 1200 euro's max, with a budget of about 150 euro's for the case. I do not want to go much higher than that.

5. If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing?
I will be reusing my Cooler Master M620, a full-size ATX power supply.

6. What specific features do you need in a motherboard?
I only need a mobo with a PCI-e 2.0 16x lane. It will be based on s1155, as far as I can see right now.

7. What resolution output do you need?
I will connect a Dell U2711, which has a reso of 2560x1440.

8. Does this system need to fit into a particular space?
It actually is the other way around: the desk compartment will be made around the my future pc case. However, I cannot store a full-size ATX case anymore.

9. How comfortable are you with custom case design/modification and electrical wiring?
No good knowledge nor the tools to do those kind of things. Otherwise, I would gladly have made something like this well-known desk.

10. How important is the noise/silence of this sytem?
Quite important, but not as important as the lights. I've got enough experience with placing my own fans and have come across a lot of (supposedly) silent ones, but maybe you have the one fan I have to know about. Anyway, I'd rather connect my own fans than crappy ones that come with the case. The possibility of using a fan controller with temperature sensors would also be nice.

11. How mobile does this system need to be?
It doesn't have to be mobile at all, though it would be nice if the case doesn't weigh more than 5 to 10kg. I guess that we're safe there. :)

12. Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license?
I will use a 64-bit W7 HP license, unless there are real good arguments not to do so.

13. When do you plan on building/buying the PC?
I will buy the components within two months. As this is mainly about the casing, that shouldn't be a problem.

To be complete, I will use a Teufel 2.1 audio set with a built-in sound card with the pc. In format assembly's, I've always used the Lian Li PC-Q11, because it has some good reviews and is one of the smallest which can take a full-size graphics card. Is that the right case to go with, or are there better options available or upcoming?
