Slow uploads over fiber?


Limp Gawd
Dec 27, 2010
I recently upgraded my internet and now have 30Mbps down and up. I ran different speed tests and they show differences. My ISP based speed test shows 30/30 but when I go to and run I get 30/5... Where's the 5Mbps coming from? Adaptor settings on PC show 1Gbps so I doubt it's the PC or NIC I have. I had a friend VPN into the machine and they confirmed the slow speed. I'm not sure what to do?
Its funny because I had a problem one time and my ISP mysteriously showed faster than speedtest as well (gee I wonder why, right). I would imagine a tech is going to have to come out and confirm it. Are you blocking any sites through your router?
your ISP cannot guarantee the bandwidth available at another site, or through all the routers the connection goes through.
They also, generally, don't guarantee bandwidth speeds once it leaves their network.

Anyways, called in and they're sending a tech tomorrow. I'll just drop down to the old slow internet if this upload speed can't be sorted. I have fiber for the upload and VPN activities and could care less about the download speed.

Any reason why there's such a huge difference between the ISP speedtest (avg. 17Mbps up) and (avg. 4.8Mbps up)?
u also have to remember usually it isnt fiber direct to your house, its fiber to a local hub then cable to your house.
Sounds like the traffic within your ISP is the right speed, but there may be a bottleneck of 5 Mb outside their network? Either that or there's some kind of filter to throttle on your account for traffic when it leaves your ISP's network. AKA call your ISP.
It is actually fiber direct to the house. The conversion box is inside and converts the signal, then ethernet runs to the modem. I googled a lot of speedtests and ran them all. Results were very similar across the board. Avg down of 30 and up of 5. Although the ISP speed test is an avg of 17 up. If the tech tomorrow tells me 10 different speedtests are wrong then I'll just cancel fiber and go back to ISDN... Very sad about the bad upload :(