Skills USA


Aug 1, 2002
Went to Skills USA States today for the internetworking contest. To say the least I was underprepared. Everything was Cisco. In school we only covered CCNA 1 and 2. The bulk of the contest was 3 and 4. (WAN and Switching). So needless to say I did not do very well.
The only part I aced was cabling (hence my self proclaimed title in sig).
Wondering if anyone here has participated in Skills USA. I should note that I was very impressed with how everything was set up. It was mind boggling how many areas there were competitions in. Welding, masonry, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, hvac, medical, business, etc etc. This took the entire Ohio Fairgrounds in Columbus.

I'm in SkillsUSA Rhode Island. Tried for Mechanical Drafting this year, but due to sickness, I was unable to complete my school assignment and wasn't able to participate.

What year of school are you in? Sophomores aren't really expected to do well, in my school at least. Juniors and seniors often do well.
I'm a senior.
We cover so many different things (electronics, computer repair, programming, networking) that we just dont have time to do all the cisco stuff.
Ah, alright. I go to a vocational school, and the "computer networking" class there is technically Cisco Academy, so they cover Cisco first. I guess it's different across the country.
woo! i thought i was the only one on this forum that knew about that....
<Shawsheen tech represent! :p

I'm in commercial Art (Graphic Design) though, and I decided not to do Skills this year

we got a billboard and a "household safety" setup though...

dunno of anyone going for anything networking related though...
yeah. a lot of the schools are full time career centers, where I go half a day to the computer classes and half a day to my home school. well I should say I did go. because I am officially done with high school!!! my senior project starts monday. i am interning with an internet company here in cleveland and i am working with their network operations staff. should be a great learning experience.
I have normal high school classes, and votech for 1-2 hours per day (depending on the day). I'd rather have all 6 hours in my drafting class, but supposedly my school doesn't care what I think.
DanMattia said:
I have normal high school classes, and votech for 1-2 hours per day (depending on the day). I'd rather have all 6 hours in my drafting class, but supposedly my school doesn't care what I think.

we have normal classes one week....with 2 periods a day of "related" (we do art shit, and work in photoshop/adobe creative suite, so we do jack in related) on the academic week

then we get shop all day every day for the next week..
jeffmoss26 said:
yeah. a lot of the schools are full time career centers, where I go half a day to the computer classes and half a day to my home school. well I should say I did go. because I am officially done with high school!!! my senior project starts monday. i am interning with an internet company here in cleveland and i am working with their network operations staff. should be a great learning experience.

I remember saying a long time ago that you'd pick up the networking stuff quick if you stuck with it. You're doing well, just keep it up! You'll learn a ton working with network operations people at a good internet company. I kinda wish I'd gotten to experience that.

Congarts on finishing high school! I just finished my last semester of college today. Unfortunately, I've got to take two summer school classes, so I don't get to walk with all my friends in May. I'm walking in August instead. Oh well! I'm quite plastered as I sit here typing this. :eek:
I did SkillsUSA VICA back when I was in highschool back in 2003 - 2004.

I competed in multiple events, the second time I went I was a 2nd year CISCO student and smoked everyone in the internetworking portion, my teacher and I had practiced until I could program the router using the command line in under 5 minutes. I think they squared me off agianst a lot of first year students. They also had like an A+ test and competetion where you had to troubleshoot some computers, simple stuff. The setup was nice as the problem ended up being an incorrect driver due to some sort of special filter they were using on their VGA cable. The real question though is how would that test represent the real world, because it wouldn't.

Otherwise I thought the competitions were fun.
Just an update: I had to meet with my teacher for my senior project, and he told me I got 4th place out of 14 contestants. I was glad to hear that I did much better than I thought.