Site Access Problems


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
We place a lot of orders from and for some reason in the last few months, we can no longer access from our network. The main page loads (slowly) and then as I start to browse items - maybe 2 clicks, the page locks up. The hourglass spins until it eventually times out.

I have no problems getting to any other site except Newegg and the Newegg site works fine from home and other external networks.

My questions is what test can I do to find out what is causing my connection issues to Newegg. Is there a tool or anything I can test from my side?

I have access to wireshark and the PIX on the problem network but am not sure where to start.

Thanks for any help!
have you tried using a root DNS server to see if that fixes? Try statically assigning your PC the DNS servers and and see if the pages load better. Could be some goofy DNS crap going on with your server(s) at work.
Are you trying to access it from work? Maybe it is blocking it. You can get the ip address of IP Do a ping or use namp to ping. On the net there are other DNS tools google it. Also try Maybe your network work connection could be slow. Since you said is only slow from your internal network then it could be some network configuration or firewall blocking. Do you have full access to the network like routers or firewalls? Did you try other sites like, tigerdirect, or
Does not appear to be a connection issue as everything is fast:

Work for sure is not blocking it as I am the Network Administrator here. I checked the logs on the PIX Firefwall and show nothing that really could be blocking it. I guess I will try and mess with the DNS servers and see if its a DNS issue.
I'd look at DNS....dunno if you have access to your DCs..but change the DNS forwarders to something like the root servers mentioned above..or OpenDNS's DNS servers. Flush DNS cache on the servers..restart the DNS service...flush on the workstation...try again. Dunno if you're just DNS fowarding to your ISPs DNS servers..and they have something queer going on today.