Simple question, but not sure how to word it into a search


Oct 17, 2005
So I'm going to be renting an in-law unit where I can get wifi but no hard wire cable drop. Can I take a wireless router (I have a WRT54G sitting somewhere...) and have it connect to the wifi then use the ethernet ports on the back to hook into my computers? Essentially:

[modem] -- [wireless router] --> <-- [wireless router] -- [3 computers]

If this is not possible, I also have a 5 port switch as well. Is this a better option:

[modem] -- [wireless router] --> <-- [wireless router] -- [switch] -- [3 computers]

To add complexity, I'll be needing to forward some ports through all this. I have some school projects running on a server...
Yes you can, you need to have the WRT54G flashed to DD-WRT or similar and use it in Bridge mode. In this mode in the GUI you connect to the local Wifi network with the WRT54G, and then the ports on the pack will work as you would like.
Very cool, I think I edited the question just as you answered. Did you see the rest?
As your WRT54G is just basically a "switch" that is connected via a wireless signal all devices connected to your switch will share the same network as the wireless router connected to the ISP. So if you have access to the base wireless router to set port forwarding it will work the same as if you had it connected in a conventional fashion.
Thanks, going to be annoying having not being able to have direct access to everything but it'll only be here 2 months :)
So, I have DD-WRT on my router now, how do I give it the SSID / password of the main router ?