Silverstone NT06 cooler fails TomsHardware test


Mar 20, 2007
They did not like it. I have one and don't mind tht fact it cannot be installed with the motherboard in place and of course what sets this one apart is it is low profile so that it fits SFF cases. The review is here.
Hah. Not only did I install it with the motherboard in place, I got the sucker screwed down whilst there was a 120mm fan underneath it blowing up. In a SG-03 where your hand needs to make a 90° bend to get the screws positioned. That really needs dexterity.

So, I fully understand the criticism from hard personal experience... but for not having über-dexterity like me, Tom's Hardware gets FAIL ;)
Calroth, how did you get the backing plate on with the mobo in place? Fail.
[LYL]Homer;1032136026 said:
Calroth, how did you get the backing plate on with the mobo in place? Fail.

Some cases have holes where you can get behind the motherboard from the other side of the case. Prob how he did it.
The THG review has been getting a lot of criticism from people around the Net and I have to agree with some of the points made by many readers about how THG did the review. Take the review with a dose of salt and dont treat it as the absolute authority. Just my opinion anyway. :)
Some cases have holes where you can get behind the motherboard from the other side of the case. Prob how he did it.

I have a Silverstone SG03 as well and there's no hole under the CPU area of the case to put that backplate in there. There is a hole near the front though to route cables. Maybe he put it in there and carefully slid it in place...
On my SG03 build I installed the NT06-Lite and then installed the mobo. It wasnt that bad but yeah kinda a pain. I just took my time and was careful. Of course this is how I been building my PCs anyway. Get as much on the mobo as possible and then install mobo into case.
Is it really that hard to remove a mobo? 6-9 screws... unplug a few cables... meh...
[LYL]Homer;1032136026 said:
Calroth, how did you get the backing plate on with the mobo in place? Fail.

You don't. Remove motherboard, screw the backing plate on, install motherboard, mount cooler. Fail.

(The reason why you install the motherboard then the cooler is so you can screw all 9 points on the motherboard to the case. Otherwise, in certain orientations, the cooler obstructs one.)