Signal Booster


Oct 10, 2007
Hey all, my dad's going on a boating trip in a few weeks, and him and his brothers are looking at getting some signal booster so that they can access the wireless from the harbors they are going to overnight in.

I recommended he get a yagi antenna, but I am wondering if they might also need a signal booster. Can anyone make a recommendation of a not to expensive kit or setup that would be good.

I was thinking a war-driving kit might work, if anyone knows of any that have a decent range that are reliable let me know. I found this one with decent reviews, this looks to be an all in one solution. link. And its dirt cheap.

But I would see what you guys think.

Up to 150 would be the budget.
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Do these harbours have wifi of some kind? What would the distance be? With a high-powered adapter, you may have issues with the other end having enough power to send back. Would 3G be an option? Again, this depends on the distance to the APs.
Yes they have wifi.
I am unsure of distance lets say 1 mile or less.
Does Barbados have 3G and the surrounding islands have 3G? Yes and 4G as it would seem. Could look into a mobile service for the month.

Would an amp on the boat end resolve the issue of the power from the AP?

The APs from what I understand are set up to broadcast to the harbor, but the signal is not the best.