Sigh...Vista 64 woes

Oct 10, 2005

I bit the bullet and am upgrading to Vista Ultimate X64. I was running it under 32bit, and things were sorta Ok, but i wanted to take advantage of the extra memory I had hanging around.

So long story short, I think my ATI TV Wonder 650 is not working right with the Vista 64. Every time I install drivers for it I lose a DVD drive, some USB, and network. In Device Mgr, it shows my IDE controller, USB, and network controller with exclamation points and states there are not enough resources to start those devices. Didn't have this issue with 32 bit installed. I even yanked the card and still the devices would not start.

I am yet again installing Vista, and have taken the card out to pinpoint if that is the case.
It sounds like a chipset driver problem. Are you installing the latest ones, right away after Vista is installed?
I don't think it is a chipset issue. I removed the card and did another install and low and behold a nice clean install with no lockups during the install phase, no manual restarts.

So far I have the ATI 7.2 CC driver, the chipset (NF4) drivers. I am now installing the X-Fi drivers.
I have the ATi 650 and it works beautifully under Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Did you install the latest 64-bit Vista drivers from ATi's website or from the disc? If from the disc, get them from the website.

I also have an nforce board and haven't had any issues at all with that or any of my other devices (well, except for my RAID but I think one of my drives is dying)