Show 3 seperate apps on 3 seperate screens


Feb 12, 2007
I know I could probably do this by attaching 3 screens (I say screens- but these will be big projectors) and dragging them into the respective monitor... But that is rather a pain (and require you looking right at the screens to configure correctly).

So is there any app that will let me run 3 different things on 3 different attached screens?
Use UltraMon, (Link) ,create a shortcut for each of the programs, right click on it and in the properties you will have an ultramon-window tab.

Select the monitor you want to start the application on in the tab, any connected will show up, and when you click the shortcut it will start there.

Drop the shortcut in your startup folder to automate the process if needed for a trade show setup, etc..
That's pretty cool- you can set it to start up fullscreen?

So I guess the answer is I need to have windows configure it- but this would at least set it to do all the work for me.
Love the fact it can be set w/ system startup... just boot the system and it works ;)
That's pretty cool- you can set it to start up fullscreen?.......<snip>........

Just set the shortcut to open the app's window "maximized" on the "shortcut" tab located in the same properties menu.