Should I Upgrade From 2600+ XP To 3200 Xp+?

Dec 20, 2003
I want to know if I should upgrade my proscesor from an athlon xp 2600+ to a 3200+?

Im currnetlly runing:

Athlon xp 2600+ xp

radeon 9500 128 md ddr 128 bit

54 x cd-rom

512 ddr pc 2700


Windows Xp Professional SP 1

If anything can you please tell me if it is worth upgrading my old proscesor to a new 3200+ xp?

and if with the 9500, would i be able to run anything like half-life 2?

if u guys say that that radeon 9500 is not enough then i guess ill upgrade to a 9800 pro(only $210 bucks at newegg) only and only if with that card and the 3200 xp + im not able to run games like halflife 2 or things that high....

thx a lot i really need your help dont want to throw away my money im only fournteen!!!!(not lying)
unless you play games, you anit going to see no difference. if you want to play half life 2 and unreal, go for it.
I would not.. The difference in speed isn't going to be a big difference, and you can make up most of the performance from oc'ing...

I'd either get a new vid card, since the new games are alot more vid card dependant than CPU dependant, more ram so that you have a gig, a newer mobo (depending on which you have) so that you better OC'ing options (like if you have a via based board, score a NFII to maximize your system potential, in particular a DFI NF II Infinity or Lan Party, as they are the best OC'ing board out there for the AthlonXP)
if you want to feel that you absolutely need to upgrade your processor, i'd suggest going the amd 64 route for now. spend more now, get more later.

however, i'd suggest getting one of those nifty 9800 pro's for right now at the egg. oh, and another gig of ram.
yep. overclock that chip for now and save up for an Athlon64/mobo bundle.
I feel left behind. I just upgraded to a 2500+ barton, and people are already doing upgrades from this chip.

I'd without doubt go with the radeon 9800 pro if you play games.