Should I sell my xbox 360?

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Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2005
I just won an xbox 360 through the hex 168 contest. I see that people are selling them for like $700 on ebay. My question is simple, would you sell it if you had one?

Not a FS thread, wait til its launched to sell it here or take it to Ebay -Cold Dark Shadow
It's a matter of opinion, if you're going to be gaming and like what it has to offer keep it, if not then why not sell it? it's all profit if you won. Now there is a shortage of X360's so that price will be like that for a long while, maybe until the 2nd/3rd shipments. I also won a X360, I don't like what games are coming out for it and nothing really appeals to me in the least so I'm willing to trade it + cash for a nice laptop :)

It's up to you.

PS. This isn't the forum to be asking this question ;)
I think I might do that. I will sell it on ebay I think. Unless someone in the forum wants to buy it. It's the premium bundle.
definitely ebay it. not really any "blockbuster" games for it yet, plus you will make a nice profit.
I will be selling on Tuesday when I get back from the launch party. I will post a link for it if anyone wants to bid on it.
I wonder if I should include a buy it now price.
I'll buy it for $400 :) cash in hand.

If you won it, that's $400 of profit for you. PM me if interested. I'm serious.
:D Yeah Sell it on ebay.. Its Xmas season and people are willing to pay...
Jasonx82 said:
:D Yeah Sell it on ebay.. Its Xmas season and people are willing to pay...

or, since he didn't have to pay for it, sell it to someone who wants one and has $400 ready to shell out for one. Easy way to make $400 and help out a fellow [H]'er at the same time.

EDIT: BTW, placeboFx, I sent you a PM.
This one just went for $810 on ebay.

Xbox 360 ebay = $810

I would sell it in a heartbeat for that much.

I don't know why I don't have the foresight to preorder these systems ever. You always know there will be shortages and some idiot will pay 2X on ebay.
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Or he could ebay it and let the competitive market set the price! Everyone wins! lol
1. I'd sell it
2. This does not belong in here.
3. Xbox 360 is overhyped...
Sell it, use the money for a ski trip to Swiss alps....(just 2 more months baby)...
$810 for a game console that will be 1/2 that price in about 1.5months is ridiculous (wait so are the video cards I bought..oh well..). But then again, that's capitalism for ya.
saber07 said:
Or he could ebay it and let the competitive market set the price! Everyone wins! lol

True, just thought I'd offer him a gauranteed cold hard $400 for it now. Rather give my money to an [H]'er than a retail store.
placeboFx said:
I will be selling on Tuesday when I get back from the launch party. I will post a link for it if anyone wants to bid on it.
I wonder if I should include a buy it now price.

cant post ebay links or advertise...
placeboFx said:
I just won an xbox 360 through the hex 168 contest. I see that people are selling them for like $700 on ebay. My question is simple, would you sell it if you had one?
You can sell it to me.... for... *looks in pocket*.... 1.29 in pocket change? :eek:

Honestly, if it were me, I would keep it... but then, I'm into the video game thing.
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