Should I Install SP2?


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2003
Well simply said I'm enjoying so far a very error free Microsoft experience w/ the hardware below and Microsoft Service Pack 1.

The way I would install Service Pack 2 is just going to Windows Update and installing over Service Pack 1 (is this a good way to do it or will I get errors?).

Anyway, should I install SP2 anyways? Is it that much better than SP1? and I never get any errors and/or restarts, so

What all do you think?
I've seen a lot of reported problems with SP2, and very few reported benefits. You can if you like, but be aware it might annoy you in many ways. I personally will not be installing it.

As for how to install it, the way you suggest is fine.
Service packs aren't technically optional if you want to stay up to date with security fixes, architecture changes, etc, you have to get them. Its designed to be installed over the top of XP whatever patched state its in and its a great update. Ready, set, go!
Installed it, it caused problems with my system, Removed it

My system felt like a 386 after SP2 was installed, removed it and all was well.
Then you have other issues that it only brought to light. Not installing a service pack for an MS OS is like wanting to run your system with no proper drivers installed. You will only be hurt in the long run...
Once again, the obvious is missed. Of course you'll see threads with people having problems. No one would waste the Forums time by creating a thread that stated "Hey, installed SP2...everything works 'bout them Eagles?"

You will always see more negatives than positives. My advice for everyone? Ghost your system, and then install SP2. If it causes a problem, you can restore your ghost image, and your system will be right back to where it was immediately before installing SP2.
my friend's seagate 160 gig sata hd that he'd had for only 8 months died the same day he loaded sp2...coincidence??
superd00k said:
my friend's seagate 160 gig sata hd that he'd had for only 8 months died the same day he loaded sp2...coincidence??

Probablly, I would bite the bullet and install SP2, security fixes are a must in this day and age.
superd00k said:
my friend's seagate 160 gig sata hd that he'd had for only 8 months died the same day he loaded sp2...coincidence??
Yes and no... His HDD has issues and was dying. Downloading, unpacking, and installing 266MB of data probably did it in.

Software does not kill hardware, the rare exception is overclocking software, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't OCing his HDD. ;)
Thanks for all of the information thus far, I think I'm going to wait a bit and just see how more and more consumer's feedback turns out to be.

Thanks anyway guys.
Not to beat a dead horse and maybe your wording in your last post didn't quite match what you were thinking, but whether or not you should install shouldn't be related to "consumer feedback" because consumer feedback isnt going to change what SP2 is or does. Now if you meant you wanted to wait for more issues to be exposed thats understandable I guess, but you'll be waiting a long time... issues always come up. :)
Well simply put, if more and more people are praising how better it is than SP1, the easier my final decision will be.

Now do you get it?
Heh, no. :) I mean are you seeing it like its an optional upgrade? Its optional as in you can install it when you want, but you WILL install it eventually. As time goes by things start requiring it (i.e. USB2.0 & SP1), you won't be able to get the latest security fixes, etc. So when you say things like "if people are praising it" it makes me think you see it as some kind of bonus pack with neat things instead of the architecture update it is. Its not parallel to SP1, its the sequel to SP1. I mean I of course couldn't care less if/when you install it, I just see a lot of people that think its just something basic that adds frills like the pop-up blocker, firewall, etc. This is a small stretch, but you can almost think of it as "the next version of Windows." The real next version of Windows (longhorn) won't be out for a couple more years and MS is instead going to be updating XP dramatically. So take your time if you want, I just wanted to make sure you weren't in the camp with the people going "I don't want that firewall so I'm not going to install it (meaning ever)." :) They'll find out...
Install it. If you have issues, post them and I will help you debug them. It has a lot of security hardening, that you should have in today's internet.
OldPueblo said:
Heh, no. :) I mean are you seeing it like its an optional upgrade? Its optional as in you can install it when you want, but you WILL install it eventually. As time goes by things start requiring it (i.e. USB2.0 & SP1), you won't be able to get the latest security fixes, etc. So when you say things like "if people are praising it" it makes me think you see it as some kind of bonus pack with neat things instead of the architecture update it is. Its not parallel to SP1, its the sequel to SP1. I mean I of course couldn't care less if/when you install it, I just see a lot of people that think its just something basic that adds frills like the pop-up blocker, firewall, etc. This is a small stretch, but you can almost think of it as "the next version of Windows." The real next version of Windows (longhorn) won't be out for a couple more years and MS is instead going to be updating XP dramatically. So take your time if you want, I just wanted to make sure you weren't in the camp with the people going "I don't want that firewall so I'm not going to install it (meaning ever)." :) They'll find out...

You like typing don't you?

J/K. :D
djnes said:
Once again, the obvious is missed. Of course you'll see threads with people having problems. No one would waste the Forums time by creating a thread that stated "Hey, installed SP2...everything works 'bout them Eagles?"

You will always see more negatives than positives. My advice for everyone? Ghost your system, and then install SP2. If it causes a problem, you can restore your ghost image, and your system will be right back to where it was immediately before installing SP2.

Actually, I think I may do it. With your permission of course!

That is to make a new thread saying how much I love it at home as well as at work.

two different systems, tons of different software and hardware. works like a freakin dream.
BlackCoffee said:
You like typing don't you?

J/K. :D

:p Not necessarily, I started a new job a little while ago and they are having a hard time keeping me busy (I'm so friggin awesome I beat issues to the ground with ease!). Therefore I rove the [H] like David Carradine from Kung-Fu...
FYI, thought you might be interested...

"Once a user clicks on the link, the Web server attempts to download the back door. Larholm said a PC running a fully patched copy of Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 will be compromised by the new version of Download.Ject, as will machines running older version of Windows and IE.

But machines running SP2 (Service Pack 2) for XP are not vulnerable to the new attack. Larholm added that the vulnerabilities exploited in this attack have been known for some time."