should i build a new box or hold off?

Jul 11, 2004
I currently have a P4 system with the specs as follows:
P4 1.6ghz
512MB PC2100 Ram
80GB ATA 100 HD
Radeon 9000 non pro

i really want a fast computer now and i'm considering to build a socket 754 box but then i look on the horizon and amd has all its good stuff coming up. Nforce 4, 90nm amd chips, socket 939 dual channel, all those goodies i would be missing out on if i build now. so what do you think, should i build now or hold off until those things show up?
it depends what you use your computer for

if you browse the internet and game lightly then you dont need an upgrade but will want one in the future.

if you plan on gaming i would upgrade soon; depending if you would like to go amd64 i would wait but if you are going to go amdxp i would go right ahead.

hope this helps you
well, there is always going to be better on the horizon... i'd wait if you can stand to use the computer, but if you absolutely need more speed, and cant stand how shlow it is, just upgrade now. get the 754 rig, and you'll be happy. you can even sell the old parts here if you want. :D