Should I be worried?


Oct 16, 2004
Well, it's that time again... for me to go into my PC and mess with what was already working, that is. Here's what happened, you guys tell me if I should be worried.

I had a Rosewill case, which sucked, so I got a Cooler Master case, which doesn't. Now, in the process, I figured, I might have to re-seat my cpu heatsink (Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro) so I got some Arctic Silver 5. (I was using the cooler's pre-applied goop at the time) Anyway, I got the case in and said, what the hey, let's just apply this silver stuff since everyone seems to agree that it works pretty good. Well, here's where things get kinda funny.

When I first applied the stuff, I gobbed on what I thought was sufficient coverage. (after cleaning off the old goop of course) I turned on my machine, fired up Core Temp, and WHOA! It says it's IDLING at 49-51c! I must be doing something wrong, I thought. So I unplugged the rig, opened it back up and removed the heatsink. After seeing what showed up, I realized that it was definietly too much. It's spilling all out to the side and STILL left a decent layer in between the CPU and the heatsink. So I grabbed an old credit card and scraped some off. Left a really (less than paper) thin layer on each the heatsink and the core. Put it all back together, and fired it up again. Fired up Core Temp, and... ARRGH!! it's idling at 51-53c! What the heck happened? I thought. How did it get worst? So there I go again, taking it apart, this time I completely cleaned off the old stuff (with isopropyl) and reapplied a new layer on the heatsink only, since it was easier to handle, fired it back up, and now we're at 48-50c.... grrr... Alright, I said to myself, let's see what happens under load. Up goes Prime95, we're at about 57 fairly quickly... alright, let's try a game, so up goes Far Cry, ('m kinda late to that party, I know) I played for a while, like an hour, jumped back out of the the game, Core Temp was already running and I see it's sitting at 63... okay, so at least the idle/load differential makes sense.

Here's the REAL question (never thought I'd get to it, did ya?) I've set my cpu warning temp in the bios to 60c, yes, 60c, and it NEVER BEEPED during Prime95 or Far Cry. So going back to the original question... should I be worried? My case doesn't have very good ventilation (on purpose, for noise and dust concerns) so I figured it was going to be a little warm, but 50c idle is a little harrowing. Is Core Temp reliable? Unfortunately, I don't really have a 'before' number to compare with. I know that it USED to idle at 40c in the old case, but that was before I started closing up vents and disconnecting fans, I don't have a number for after that. Now in the BIOS it IS idling at about 39-40, but I figured that that was going to be low only because it's the processor's least active state.

By the way, it might seem like I'm new at this, but I'm really not, honest. I've been applying goop to processors since the Athlon Thunderbird days, I'm just a little out of practice. (obviously)

If you read all the way through that junk, thanks! And thanks ahead of time to anyone who replies!

i think the problems you are having stem from improper application of AS5.

Now, in the process, I figured, I might have to re-seat my cpu heatsink (Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro) so I got some Arctic Silver 5
when changing motherboards you almost always have to reseat the heatsink, especialy if its as big as an AC freezer.

When I first applied the stuff, I gobbed on what I thought was sufficient coverage.
thats way too much.

So I grabbed an old credit card and scraped some off. Left a really (less than paper) thin layer on each the heatsink and the core.
you need to remove ALL of it and start over not just spread it out more. you probably spread it too thin this time and now it has air bubbles in it.

this time I completely cleaned off the old stuff (with isopropyl) and reapplied a new layer on the heatsink only
cleaning is good, but now you applied it to the wrong surface, and applied the wrong way (by spreading it out)

clean both heatsink and processor with alcohol so they are sparkly clean. place a small BB sized dab of AS5 in the center of the processor only (do not spread it out). then just mash the heatsink down on top of it, trying to keep the heatsink as level as possible durring this process. the goo will spread it self out to the correct thickness. this is the easiest way.
Just make sure you completely clean out the AS5.

Yeah, a small BB to rice size drop will work just fine.
Just make sure you completely clean out the AS5.

Yeah, a small BB to rice size drop will work just fine.

I prefer 90%+ purity rubbing alcohol to do the cleaning. The application of thermal paste should look like this:

Then install the HSF on top, and you should be good to go.
what processor are you using? because the as5 instructions for a dual core require a thin line of as5 along the cores and not the typical bb sized application.
in the hundred or so times ive had to remove my waterblock ive tried just about every method of applying including the line method and spreading it out method. the small dab in the middle works best for me every time. spreading it out always trapped air bubbles, and there was no temp difference i noticed between the dab in the center and the line across the cores.
Well, I tried redoing the AS again, following the instructions laid out here, no difference. It's idling at about 52 as I type this. I ended up putting a bb blob in the middle, FYI. Thanks for the responses...


My question was never really about that. (hard to imagine, since I spent so long on it)What I wanted to know was, is it okay to leave it like this? Now having read into temp readings that people are getting, I think this little bit of info might help to answer the question: the room is consistently 80f or above. Not only that, I'm still trying to figure out if the readings are even accurate, since the temperature warning isn't coming on even when it is supposedly over 60c, according to Core Temp. I know the case speaker works because it makes the proper beeps when the machine comes on.

Thanks again for all the help thus far.
i just put it all over mine and im gettin 26 idle and 45load so its works for me lol
Why don't you get a fan controller and just hook the fans up with 5v power. I doubt you will hear any noise and at least you will have some sort of airflow.
Well, right now, there is a 120mm fan taking air out of the case, but nothing pushing it in. It's blowing out remarkably warm air from the inside. I don't doubt that the ambient temperature in there is upwards of 90f. There are also the power supply fans, but really that doesn't count for much, since the PS generates so much heat on its own anyway I figured it's jus there to take care of itself.

I'm ready to just call it quits and leave it alone. I'm just gonna replace the whole getup in two or so years anyway, so what do I really care about shortening a processor's lifespan?

Oh, and Mark660... I hate you.

Just kiddin!!!!11 :p
I artifically increased my room temperature all day to 89f (31c) today...

My CPU temp rose to 56 load (from 49 or so) and I'm running a quad radiator on water... :eek: Ambient temps make a HUGE difference.

Try removing the side of your case, and see how much that helps, at least we can narrow down whether it's a case temp problem or not.